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There is power in proximity…


Haus Of Millions® Level 1: Momentum Membership
Created by Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, presented by Incredible One Enterprises
HAUS of Millions

HOM® is the PREMIER business education community for six-figure entrepreneurs and small business owners who desire to Live, Lead & Leverage the mindset and methodology to MILLIONS. This community will SHIFT your life & business and equip you to lead at the million-dollar level in every area of your life.  If you KNOW that you were born to make, move and leave millions, this is the community for you. 

What Makes
HAUS of Millions

First, after working directly with thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners via our live events and coaching programs, we know that the first million is the hardest, and the true shift required to bring it into view is a strategic blend of mindset, methodology and mentorship that meets you where you are and guides you through the maze without requiring you to sacrifice what’s most important to you. 

Second, the Haus comes out of a sheer commitment to excellence in business mentorship. You’ve never been mentored like we mentor and as you partner with us and come into community, every area of your life will shift.  You’ll be a better human, spouse, parent, friend, sibling, leader, and CEO. 

Third, by enrolling in Momentum Membership we have options to position you to deepen the foundation of the business that will make you MILLIONS. 

When you get in the Haus, you will learn what you need to position yourself and your company to make the Move to Millions® at the time that is best for your highest good. Through working with thousands of entrepreneurs we know that everyone’s journey is different and dependent on the foundation upon which they are looking to grow.

Ready to master the mental and methodical game REQUIRED to make, move, and leave millions?

A note from our Founder, Dr. Darnyelle

The Momentum Membership level is powered by the Move to Millions® Method 2.0 created by Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC  –  where you will have access to the mindset, mentorship, methodology and money moving strategies necessary to build the foundation for your million-dollar business. 

If you have a copy of Move to Millions: The Proven Framework to Become A Million-Dollar CEO with Grace & Ease Instead of Hustle & Grind, then you already know that you need more than the book to make millions move…You need to get into the Haus!


Darynelle's signature
HAUS OF MILLIONS® Momentum Membership
for the entrepreneur ready for more...
You feel that something big is
about to happen.
You’re unapologetic
about what you desire.
You’re ready to deepen your connection to the fullest expression of your gifts and talents (and the money they were born to create).
You are ready to take up
space and shake the planet….


You deserve a business that serves you financially and spiritually at or beyond the million-dollar mark without having to hustle & grind for it.

The Momentum Membership is your first move toward building a foundation for your million-dollar business. There is a wealth transfer underway, and entrepreneurship is the vehicle God is using to fulfill His promises exceedingly and abundantly. 

Do you believe that the abundance of millions is your birthright?

Do you know deep down that you are called to have access to millions?

Do you already have a vision for how you’ll leave millions to your family as a part of your financial legacy?

Do you want to be in community with others who are living, leading, and leveraging the mindset and methodology for millions?


HAUS of Millions



Let’s look at the facts, shall we…


of Americans say they want to start a business in the next year.  ( survey)

New businesses are launching at an ever- increasing rate. 


of entrepreneurs are looking for community to grow and develop. 


Of the world’s millionaires are men. Only 10% are women. (Global Data Wealth Insight Report) 

Small businesses with no employees have an average annual income of roughly




of businesses start close within the first 5 years. (SBA)


of businesses that fail cite the reason being lack of cash flow. (Fundera)

There are more than

33 MIL

small businesses in the United States yet only 4.2% (1,386,000) actually make 7 figures a year. And it’s even less, 1.9% (627,000), .9% (297,000) and .5% (165,000) respectively,  if you are a woman, black or a black woman. (American Express and SBA) 

That all changes now.


If you know that there is a millionaire in you, this is the community for you. 

If you are a millionaire-in-the-making who wants proximity to the path, process and the people who will educate, empower, equip, and edify you as you position your business to grow, leverage & ultimately scale in a way that you can sustain, join us. In the Haus, you get to choose your experience and what you want to work on in community with the support and guidance of the Haus of Millions® Coaching Team.

The momentum membership is the entry level of support offered by the Haus of Millions Coaching Team. Every day we get emails from people who ask if we have anything for them as they position their business to be able to hire us to be their million-dollar business mentor.

The Momentum Membership is for you if

You are about your birthright, your bank, and your business.

You are looking for a next level community of high caliber entrepreneurs who can increase your network and net worth

You are ready to shift the generational trajectories of your family. 

You desire a quality business education but don’t have the luxury of investing five figures to access it and community in this season.

You desire to get your business to $250,000 a year at a minimum in a way that honors and serves your current lifestyle.

If you desire the next level of growth,

What you get in the Haus:

When you enroll in the Momentum Membership, Level 1 of the Haus of Millions, you’ll get access to the resources and relationships you need to bring your next level into view.

This powerful community offers you access to everything you need to position yourself to achieve your goal to become the million-dollar CEO and millionaire you desire to be at the time that is for your highest good.

World Class
Business Education

New Member Orientation

Access to a business-changing curriculum to add Leverage & Scale to your business model. 

The Move to Millions Book Private Podcast so that you can listen to the book on the go and master the core concepts.

A roadmap to your next money milestone based on where you are today on the Move to Millions® Continuum.

Access to the Make Millions Move Cash Injection Bundle

High-End Community

Access to a growing private community 

Member Directory

Haute Haus Hangouts™ – whenever Darnyelle is traveling to a city, she will host an informal meet and greet for Haus members (also includes virtual hangouts)

Special incentives and pricing to join live events and business intensives throughout the year. Just by being in the Haus you will save on any other events, retreats, or intensives we hold throughout the year. This is our way of thanking you for being in the Haus

Game Changing Group
Co-Created Conversations & Coaching:

Monthly Ask Me Anything Call with our Haus of Millions Coaches. 

Monthly Mindset Makeover with our resident life and mindset coach

Monthly Implementation “Haus” Party so that you can do your work in community with the support of our coaching team

Quarterly immersion session with Dr. Darnyelle

Weekly Accountability & Business Planning Email Coaching



You are worthy

Of Millions

It doesn’t matter what stories you’ve been telling yourself or what your money mindset has been, you are worthy of access to MORE money, freedom, alignment, and connections…

If you’ve been hustling, grinding, stressed, discounting and downplaying your greatness because no matter what you do your money isn’t moving at the pace that is commensurate with your birthright…

If you’ve been trying to figure out how to build a business alone, with no community to guide you…

If you are ready to share time and space with business owners who understand you AND can help you ASCEND to your next level…

The Haus is your next best MOVE.
If you didn’t come from millions,
Join the Haus and let us show you how to:
Make more money with grace
& ease doing what you love.
Build a business foundation upon which you can grow, leverage and ultimately scale and sustain a business you love.
Live, lead, and leverage
a mindset for millions.
Unlock wealth strategies that will make you a millionaire regardless of what your business produces each year.
Increase your net worth by
increasing your network.

Where are you on the Move to Millions®?

No matter where you are today, there’s room for you in the Haus. In the Haus, we are obsessed with collapsing how long it takes you to make $100,000. 

Depending on your current annual income for your business, the Move to Millions® Continuum will give you insight into how to collapse time so that it takes less to make your next $100,000…AND this community will teach you how to rinse and repeat that to make the move to millions!

Because this community is about collapsing the amount of time it takes you to make $100,000, you will learn to go from it taking a year to being able to do it in an hour! 



or you can come into the Haus.

one payment of


(just $13.70 per day)

Payment Plans Available


The Haus is for any service-based entrepreneur or business owner who desires to get in proximity to those on the move to millions. For all of you who aren’t yet ready for our Move to Millions Mastermind, this is the way to get into proximity to Dr. Darnyelle and team to begin your own journey to positioning yourself to ultimately become a million-dollar CEO

As you come into the Haus, you will choose the Business Growth room so that you can get started with a firm foundation and create your first $100,000. Unlike any other opportunity, in the Haus, you will get specific instruction on how to navigate based on where you are so that if getting to the million-dollar mark is your ultimate goal, it becomes a reality. If you have millions on your mind and as you start you want to be surrounded by the content and community to create your own consistency, this is for you. Because you will get access to the roadmap for your current level, you’ll have a guide of how to navigate the community.

If you are not already a million-dollar CEO and bona fide millionaire, there’s definitely value for you in the Haus and you may choose to opt into another program level for more support. Our team would be happy to chat with you about which level of support would work best for you in this season.

The Haus is the community and accountability we discuss in chapter 18 – Move to Millions Accountability & Implementation. Just as I share in the book, reading the book without community and coaching to accelerate your implementation means this book will collect dust instead of creating millions for you through your business. I wrote the book to give a thorough overview of what it takes while being transparent that in order to really implement, you’ll need to come into the Haus.

You can decide to enroll at the time that serves you best. The ability to join will be available at all times. The investment, however is subject to adjustment.

Once you enroll, you will receive your welcome email and next steps to complete your onboarding, including the new members call. We will get you acclimated in the Facebook Community and share how to log into the member portal. You’ll also want to take the business assessment so that you can receive your roadmap.

In addition to the World Class Education, High End Community and Game Changing Co-Created Conversations and Coaching, you will receive Haus special pricing for our annual live event, Move to Millions Live, products, and our quarterly Business retreats. In addition to the Level 1 amenities, you get access to all Haus level amenities which include the monthly implementation party and quarterly immersion training with Darnyelle or a guest expert.

The Momentum Membership is different because our focus is solely on allowing you to build the foundation of a business that could end in millions in community with other like and heart minded entrepreneurs and in proximity to Dr. Darnyelle and her amazing team. By reading the book, you can already see that Dr. Darnyelle moves differently. She held nothing back about what it takes to Move to Millions. The Haus is your opportunity to get into proximity to her team’s brilliance as you implement from the book.

o Yes, we believe in the multitude of wise counsel. The nature of the Haus is to compliment and likely supplement other programs that you may be in. We focus on what it takes to make the move to millions – not specialty focuses so it perfectly complements most programs that currently exist in the marketplace.

Of course! We find that 90% of our community is comprised of women but we certainly have space for men to join us. We currently have several men in the community currently and we would love to welcome you as well.


one payment of


(just $13.70 per day)

Payment Plans Available

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers: The success stated above is my personal success. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of building my own businesses for the last 20 years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT register for this program.

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire to implement and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

Copyright ©2024, Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon | Made with love by BT |
