Questions to ask yourself as a Millions Minded Service Based – Entrepreneur

Taken from the Move to Millions Quick Start Guide, there are a series of questions that every millions minded entrepreneur should ask themselves if they’re feeling stuck.  These questions are based on the Move to Millions Framework (to grab your copy of the quick start guide, click here [hyper link] to download it today):

If you’re here, it means that you have desires to be a million-dollar CEO, but are finding yourself stuck at or very close to six figures.

I can assure you, if you are stuck it’s because one of the five areas covered in this quick guide is currently a gap in your business. Your gaps could be the gateway to your first million-dollar year. While this guide is presented as an overview, there’s an opportunity for you to do a quick self-assessment to determine where your biggest gap lies: Strategy, Sales, Systems, Support or Success Mindset.

Ask yourself which area presents the biggest gap for you:

STRATEGY: Do I have an offer suite that is highly leveraged and scalable? Is the foundation of my business (packaging, pricing, positioning and promoting) strong enough to start my move? Does my messaging consistently attract and convert my most ideal clients? Which marketing strategy can I credit for 85% of my lead generation?

SALES: Do I have a sales script that when leveraged in my sales suite brings me new clients consistently? Have I mastered how to shorten my sales cycle so that I can better predict revenue? If I have others supporting my sales efforts, can they close without me, or do I constantly have to jump in? Are they enrolling people every day of the week and keeping results consistent?

SYSTEMS: Have I already begun to create the processes, playbooks and procedures that makes my success duplicatable and predictable each month in my business? Are there any of the 7 systems that are nonexistent in my business? Do I have SOPs and processes for each of the 7 systems?

SUPPORT: Do I have the right support so that I am not the bottleneck in my business? Have I developed the right leadership skills to effectively manage the efforts of others on behalf of my goals to continue to scale this company? Have I thought through my org chart to have a sustainable million dollar company? For the team I have, are they clear about their role and KPIs?

SUCCESS MINDSET: Is there any limiting belief that threatens to derail my next level of growth financially and spiritually? Do I truly believe that I am worthy and deserve to operate a business that makes and moves millions?

Where is your biggest gap? What’s stopping you from your Move to Millions?

It’s possible that the dream of 7 figures has been on your mind for a while now. Or perhaps you haven’t even thought about the million-dollar mark because you think that mo’ money comes with mo’ problems.

If this post has made clear what I suspect, you need guidance and mentorship to PREPARE for millions. As a millions-minded business owner, getting the mentorship to shorten the amount of time it takes is essential to you making and moving millions without working harder than you are right now.  We’d love to help you!

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