#1 Reason Why You’re Already Behind the New Year’s 8-Ball

If you’ve already given up on your New Year’s goals, watch this video to uncover the reason why.

Here are three things you can do to get back on track:

1. Get intentional. Start each day on purpose. Instead of just “jumping up” or “hitting the ground running,” take 5 minutes and set some clear intentions for your day. Start the day by saying at least seven times. Today, I intend…

2. Get Grateful. Gratitude is the highest emotion and when we are grateful, we are blocking everything that threatens to bring us closer to what we desire. So, by taking a few minutes and writing down at least 7 things you are grateful for, you complete it in the Universe and position God to bring you more of what you are grateful for. Tip: don’t despise the small things – be grateful for all things.

3. Get Moving. Intention without action is a waste of time. Do that which will bring you close to what you desire. Not only will it liberate you, it will kick fear in the face and position you to get on track toward your goals.

Now, what’s your two cents? What’s blocking or threatening you from achieving the goals you set out to do and what steps are you taking to get/stay on track?

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©2017 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.

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