2nd Thread to Success: Attitude of Abundance

Last week, we talked about Purposeful Passion. Today’s all about your attitude. You’ve heard it said and probably have even said it yourself. Do everything right with the wrong attitude and fall on your face. Do everything wrong with the right attitude and living Incredibly – okay, maybe you’ve never heard it quite that way – smile. One trueism indeed is that attitude is everything and how you respond to what happens around you shadows your realm of experience. 95% of everything is your attitude and 5% is skill; get excited because if you have the right mindset – one set on abundance, which by the way is not material in the least, all things will work together for your good.

As you walk it out today, allow these tips about an attitude of abundance to color your experience:
1. Make a non-negotiable decision that you will be positive and only focus on positive experiences.
2. Focus on looking at the best in every situation and person with who you come into contact.
3. Attract people who also have a positive attitude because you become like those you hang around.
4. If you don’t have anything nice to say, remain quiet!
5. Focus on the things that you are grateful for instead of the things you wish you could change, especially if you cannot control them.
6. Repeat each day so that everyday presents you with an attitude of abundance.

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a speaker, coach and author of 5 empowerment books. She is the Founder and CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC. For more information, please visit www.darnyelle.com

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