3 Keys Entrepreneurs Need to Fill Their Programs Quickly

In today’s marketplace there’s an overabundance of coaches and consultants – And if you are one of them, that shouldn’t alarm you because there are a lot of people out there who need your Incredible Factor {Hot Undeniable Gift + Signature Business Move + Unique Value Proposition}.

If for some reason, you’ve been struggling to connect with them, it could be for one of three reasons:

1. You don’t have a clear brand message.
2. You don’t have a compelling program, product or service to offer them.
3. You don’t have a clear marketing management system in place.

Can you find yourself in one of these reasons?! (If you’re struggling, you should 🙂 )

While these are all valid reasons, I honestly could go on and on with additional reasons as to why your programs may not be full. Allow me, if you would, to share just one more, kind of as a bonus as I respond to Jennifer’s question in this week’s episode of Incredible Factor TV:

“Hi Darnyelle. I have been in business full-time for the last three years and I have to tell you, it’s hard work. I know that there has to be an easier way to grow my business. I have yet to work with a coach, but I’m starting to see the value. In the mean time, what is the best and fastest way to fill my programs?”

Watch my response to Jennifer’s question now:



As I share in the episode, if you can get clear about these three things, you increase your likelihood of being found consistently by your most ideal clients and evoking enough impact that others will offer you an opportunity to speak at their event (speaking is the best way to generate more clients.) Regardless of the reason you are struggling to fill your programs, here are three keys to making the shift to sought-after, content-rich and life-changing work:

1. Get crystal clear about the who, why and how of your business. Who are you? Why should they care? Why does what you do matter to them? How do you offer transformation to others? How will you solve their problem? How can they engage with you? This key is paramount. Without taking the time to get clear (more than likely through working with a good coach or consultant) you’ll remain behind the 8-ball. As you develop clarity here, you’ll simultaneously be positioning yourself to have what you need to massively grow your business.

2. Tighten your speaking game. You’ll need to become a powerful speaker that learns how to leverage your personal story so that you can help others. In case you haven’t heard, there is power in your story. You must learn how to tell it to evoke emotion and longing to what you teach and are known for, in order to move the crowd and ultimately acquire new clients. This will require shifting the power from the story to you as the story teller. Because it is unlikely that you’ll go to bed a zero and wake up a hero in the story telling department, you’ll need help.  A good speaking coach will help you tell your story and position yourself in a way that incites action in all of those around you. They’ll help to ensure that every time you speak, lives are changed. You’ll want to get good at converting at every level from your talk – from your free offer, to your paid offer, to your groupie line and during sales conversations… and that will only come by mastering sales and positioning with a great coach.

3. Create a marketing plan that leverages your strengths and gets you close to those you want to serve. I have to be honest. I am very biased, but I think that speaking and holding live events is the best, most rewarding and equally as lucrative way to solve the problem Jennifer is dealing with right now. And, if you’re anything like her, you also see the importance of mastering keys one and two and then looking to your marketing to get a very clear, deeply impactful “you” out into the world. Remember, if messaging is how you get known, marketing is most definitely how you get found. And if you’re not getting found consistently, I’m sorry to break it to you that you won’t be getting paid. A detailed, full blown marketing plan will end your woes and shift the way you do business. It will give you a clear plan of how you will take the right actions to produce the results (new clients) you desire.

Once you’re good with the three keys listed above, you’re ready to hold your own live events – large or small. As I shared in the episode, live events are the FASTEST way to fill your programs. Think of it this way, a group of people, from 4 – 4,000 (or more), see you as the key to their next breakthrough. They invest in an event ticket, travel, maybe stay in a hotel, sit anticipating your every word for a day or more and it’s all because you have mastered keys one and two! And, if you are well positioned you will be able to close many of them into your programs – killing two birds with one stone and growing your business in one fell swoop. Live events has been my favorite way to fill my programs quickly and I hold at least 2 enrollment events a year that help me to earn more than most do in a year in just three days. It allows me to scale my business, do great work and enjoy leverage as a part of my business model.

Want some of this?

If you want to learn how to make more following an event than most do in a year, check this out: http://www.IncredibleFactorEvents.com. When you land on the page, listen to my complimentary training where I share 7 keys to profit from live events. It’s my gift and a preview to my upcoming event.

So, now I want to hear from you. What’s your two cents? What have you done to fill your programs? What advice can you offer to those who have never hired their own business coach? If you’ve worked with a coach, what did you get and would you do it again?

©2017 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.

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