3 Ways Discovering Your Incredible Factor Will Position You to Grow Your Business

When I first started working with entrepreneurs, I was clear that helping them to find a way to clarify who they are and stand out in the marketplace was important. As a result, I created the Incredible Factor. It’s comprised of three core components that every business owner needs to understand and exploit to demonstrate why people should hire them.

I’ve come to realize that while it makes sense to me and my clients, other people are completely lost by what I mean. I let out a little chuckle as I created the latest episode of Incredible Factor TV featuring Mary’s question:

“Hi Darnyelle, I’ve been following you for a few months now. I recently heard you talk about the Incredible Factor but I’m not sure how to relate it to me. What exactly is the Incredible Factor and how can I use it to help me grow my business?”

See my response to Mary’s question here:

As I break down in the video, the Incredible Factor has three components:

HUG – Hot Undeniable Gift. Your HUG is about THE thing that you do easily, effortlessly that always gets praise from others. Typically, those with the gift downplay or ignore it because it’s second nature. This thing is your gift. Not only does it make room for you, but it can be the key to creating abundance financially and spiritually.

SBM – Signature Business Move. Your SBM is about the process you use with your clients. There is likely a system behind the process that makes success predictable for the clients you serve. For example, when I am working with a client and I walk them through the Pillars of Business Optimization® I know that each time, they will experience substantial growth following my insights and strategies.

UVP – Unique Value Proposition. Your UVP is about what makes you both different and compelling in today’s marketplace. Your ideal clients are looking for someone who is a breath of fresh air, not a stale copy of everything else out there. So, when it comes to what makes you different it can be drastic or subtle, but regardless it’s the key to the value you represent for your clients.

Now, doing the work to clarify your Incredible Factor is important and it will position your business for growth. Here’s how:

1. It gives you a clear and concise understanding of the value you bring to the marketplace. As a result, your messaging will become clearer. If you used to struggle with the “why should I hire you?” question, leveraging your Incredible Factor will offer true confidence for you and the struggle will stop. And when you are confident, you’ll be able to position yourself to rise above the noise.

2. You’ll develop a signature process for how you work with clients and by thinking through and then documenting your signature process, you’ll create expert status and truly begin to move away from your competitors. As you realize you have this process, you’ll also be able to secure more revenue streams for your business because your system can be shared actively, passively and in leveraged formats. Can you say making more money doing what you love?!

3. Marketing will get easier. I like to say that your brand message gets you known and marketing gets you found so that you can get paid. When you develop a clear, confident and concise Incredible Factor, it will be easier to market to your ideal clients where they can easily find you. Your clients level of understanding and engagement will increase drastically and their increased understanding will translate into new opportunities to serve them.

Ready to grow your business, by clarifying your Incredible Factor? My Virtual Business Intensive is a great resource for positioning your business for growth.

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