37 Things I Am Grateful For

37 Things I Am Grateful ForI personally believe that the value in being grateful is infinite. Every time I focus on what I already have that I am enjoying, I invite more of it into my life.

Now, I am certainly not the first person to suggest that you express your gratitude every day. And I hope that I will also not be the last. But the reason so many people suggest it is because they are clear that there is infinite value in the practice of being grateful.  You know, it is hard to be afraid, doubtful, worried or feel powerless when you are focusing on what you have had the great blessing to experience in your life.  Come on, think about it, you know that I am right!

In honor of Thanksgiving, the one time a year that everyone stops complaining and starts focusing on what they are grateful for, I would like to submit to you a list of 37 things I am grateful for. Since turning 37 last Friday the 16th I have become increasingly aware of just how blessed I am. Now, let me be clear, I spend a minimum of 10 minutes in gratitude each day…

I hope you enjoy my list 🙂

37 things I am grateful for:

    1. God – He loved me so much that He created this abundant universe so that I could have all that I desire whenever I was ready to receive it. Flowing from my heart is gratefulness.
    2. Jesus – while today I am far less religious and much more spiritual, I am grateful that Jesus gave His life so that I could find my abundance and live it.
    3. Being alive – albeit cliché I am in fact grateful that I am still here. You know, someone didn’t wake up this morning…
    4. My mother – one of my good friends lost her mother this year. And despite my rocky entry into the world, I am grateful that I got to know my mother and can truly call her my friend.
    5. My father – there are so many men with children that choose not to raise their kids when their children’s mother can’t, but my dad took ownership and for that I am grateful. Without #4 and #5 I wouldn’t be here…
    6. Being healthy – I am grateful that I am healthy and have never suffered from a life threatening illness.
    7. My eyesight – the fact that when I wake each morning I can see the sun and look around at my beautiful bedroom and see all of the material possessions that I have.
    8. My hearing – I can hear Latte’ barking to let her out to go potty and that sound, makes my day.
    9. Activity of my limbs – I can stretch each morning and re-position myself to get comfortable in my bed, I am thankful for that.
    10. Being beautiful – while I am not talking about my aesthetic beauty, let’s be clear, I know that I am – I am referring to my soul which truly desires to serve other people and that, Incredible One, is beautiful.
    11. My sense of humor – you know, I use to be a pretty stiff, tight lipped woman. But today I embrace my humor and find reasons to laugh every day.
    12. My life’s journey – everything that I have experienced has shaped the woman I am grateful to be today. I wouldn’t go back to change a thing – maybe I wouldn’t have gotten the jheri curl in the 80’s but everyone had one 😕
    13. My education – I think we take for granted that getting an education is our right, but it truly is a privilege. Being only one of 7 to pursue a higher education, I am grateful that the choices I made.
    14. My team – the people who help me to expand my brand are top-notched.
    15. My favorite jeans – need I say more? I mean really…
    16. My brothers and sisters – they’ve stretched me in ways that may never know and for that I am grateful.
    17. My family – there are so many people who want me to succeed, I am grateful for them.
    18. Latte’ – were it not for Latte’, I may have a very limited view of unconditional love. No matter what she loves me and shows me that she is happy to spend time with me.
    19. My best friends – everyone needs to have people that give them wings to fly, I am so blessed to have the dearest friends who support and edify me and keep encouraging to achieve my next level. I’m grateful for Nina, Danine, Karen, Linda and Sharon especially.
    20. My beloved– while I haven’t met him yet, I am already grateful for who he is and what he has done to prepare himself to be a part of my life.
    21. My purpose – I am so grateful that I realized why I was born in my early 30’s. Many are still searching for theirs….I am so grateful that I get to do this work now.
    22. My company – with the multitude of businesses that start each year, there are many that don’t stick. I am grateful that I have a business that is not only sticking but changing lives daily.
    23. My clients – they could choose to work with any business coach and marketing mentor but they chose me and I am so grateful.
    24. My work – I am truly blessed to be paid what I am worth to do only what I love.
    25. My colleagues – I know some of the coolest people who are committed to changing lives just like me and I am grateful for each of them being a part of my life’s work and journey.
    26. My house – I live in a place that feels like an oasis to me. It’s warm and inviting and gives me great joy.
    27. My car – I am able to come and go as I please and I am grateful to be able to drive as I do it. And I am grateful to be driving a luxury car:)
    28. My shoes – what would I do without them? I am grateful to have so many choices represented in my closet.
    29. Warm blankets – there is nothing like being able to cozy up on the couch watching a good movie.
    30. Good movies – enough said.
    31. My couch – while I don’t get as much couch time as I’d like I am truly grateful for those occasions when I can be still and rest.
    32. Fireplaces – I just love being near a fireplace, it warms my soul.
    33. Good food – yeah, I think you get why I am grateful for.
    34. Vacation – being able to get away is truly a gift…
    35. Wine – while I didn’t start drinking wine until I was 35, I have to admit, it makes me grateful. It takes off the edge and helps me sleep soundly each night
    36. Massages  and Facials– just typing this makes me want one…
    37. YOU – each of you who are touched by my work, I am grateful for you, you are my reason why….thank you for allowing me to serve you….

When I started I thought it would be hard to write 37 things I am grateful for, but I could actually keep going.  I am so grateful for every experience good, bad or ugly as they all lead me to discovering more about myself, God and life.  

What about you? What are you grateful for?

By writing this list, I am feeling so happy and excited for my life. Please share what writing your list does for you below by leaving a comment.


©2012 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises.com, Incredible Factor University® the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step-by-step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage” just fill out the form below.

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