It’s the end of 2012. I mean, we are literally just 20 days away from starting a new year.
If you didn’t achieve your core business building goals this year, it’s quite possible that the dawning of a new year has you feeling a little apprehensive. Remember the commercials for the product that would alert emergency services when a senior citizen would fall? “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up,” the commercials would say. And help would be sent immediately at the press of the button. Well, if you feel the same, if you feel that your business has fallen and it can’t get up, don’t throw in the towel just yet. In this week’s article, it is my goal to share some strategies and solutions to get you not only up but onto your next level.
As we’ve heard it said, complacency is devastating. We believe that all is well and “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well, the challenge that my clients and small business owners’ are facing in the past few months is that they are not proactively managing their business to avoid a probable “rut.” Or, they’ve worked so hard, gotten so few results that they’re burned out, discouraged, frustrated and pensive about the future of their “business.”
Am I talking to you?
Perhaps they had plenty of clients and events scheduled and decided to take their eye off their marketing plan AND as a result after the current clients’ needs were met, they found themselves trying to scramble to get the next influx of clients through the door. Perhaps the troubles with finances and asset management have them so bogged down that they are beginning to believe their Incredible SNATCHERS who told them that it was a bad idea to start a business in this economy. My absolute favorite, the vision in their heart has been beat down by their mind, who in reality has clarified that they do not have the skills, the knowledge or the fortitude to run and 6 or 7 figure business, AND they’ve begun to believe their subconscious mind.
Surely, you can agree that in any of these circumstances or situations it might appear as if you’ve fallen and you can’t get up. I mean, after all, how does one bounce back from the brink of a deep, dark abyss?
The challenging thing about defining, owning, unleashing and leveraging your Incredible Factor is that there are times when your heart and mind do not align to produce Incredible results. When that happens, its like driving with the break on, you will not get very far.
Recognizing that you have exactly what the ideal clients in your world need to solve their problems can create a stressful environment when you’ve not properly owned your Incredible Factor. [Your Incredible Factor is your USP, ‘your secret sauce’ and the reason why people choose you as the ONLY solution to their problems.] Many of us spend way too much time in our heads, thinking logically or looking at the situation or circumstance instead of in our hearts looking at what we believe, no matter what. When your head and heart collide, your Incredible Factor will get stuck and being stuck is exactly what you don’t need right now because you are on the verge of showing up in the world in an Incredible way!
Well, Darnyelle, how in the world do I get unstuck?
I’m glad you’ve asked.
1. It is my personal recommendation that you consistently review your business plan, marketing plan and your Incredible Factor index. I believe that it is true; complacency IS devastating. And when we stop thinking that we do not have to work hard to grow our business, attract new clients, maintain clients and develop new products and services, we miss the mark of business ownership. I recommend that you review your business on a quarterly basis, without fail. You should always be evaluating what you’ve done, where opportunities exist and ways to grow an existing product, service line or create a new one. Surprisingly, many solo-preneurs believe that their business is small and therefore, they operate it as such. But if you want to prevent your Incredible Factor from being stuck, you must operate your business like a major corporation. You must give it the same respect that you’d give your job. You must be fully committed to unearthing and manifesting the vision and sharing your Incredible Factor with the world in a BIG way.
2. Hire a coach or mentor. Repeat after me: There is NO such thing as a self-made million OR billionaire. Everyone who has ever created that level of wealth and business success had a team of advisers, including a business coach and/or a business mentor who helped them to get out and stay out of their own way. You see, life happens whether you are paying attention or not. If you are not careful, not only will life happen but your business will happen as well and you will find yourself wondering what happened. When you have a coach or mentor, you are going to make things happen instead of watch or wonder what happened. You want to ensure that the coach you choose has a coach or mentor. Never invest in someone who is not investing in themselves. I personally have a business coach and 3 business mentors that I invest in. I attend their retreats, study their systems and invest in my business by sitting at their feet to learn. Each of my mentors and coaches run 6 and 7 figure businesses, just like I do. I learned very early the necessity to surround myself with powerful players who believe in breeding success. You must admit there is a problem and seek help. You cannot do it alone. Again, if you could it would already be done.
3. Make a non-negotiable decision to do whatever it takes to grow and find new ways to diversify your business. If it’s not working, let it go. Find something that is working and FOCUS – ‘follow one course until success’ is the result. Stop thinking that you have all the answers; remember, no man/woman is an island. Otherwise you’d be living there right now. Also, recognize that if you could do it on your own, it would already be done. Commit to learning about new markets, making the necessary changes and finding new and innovative ways to grow your product and service line by joining a Mastermind group or getting a board of advisers or test market from your current customer/client base.
4. Complete the Inspect the Incredible Process. You must determine what’s holding you and your business back and commit to do the work necessary to get out of your own way. I recommend that you complete a self-assessment. Many entrepreneurs sabotage their success with self-limiting beliefs and thoughts. When you stop limiting yourself, you will stop limiting your success. Remember that you already possess your Incredible Factor. It was given to you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. It’s yours and no one can take it away from you so work with your gifts, talents and innate abilities to uncover exactly what it will take to produce the results you desire to get unstuck.
5. Take the focus off of your problems and instead focus on the lives that will be changed because of your Incredible Factor. In otherwise, re-connect to the reason WHY you started your business in the first place. When you are fearful or doubtful, taking the time to recall your reason why, in gratitude, will snatch you immediately out of the dark place. When we have a solo mentality, we are often missing the mark. Your Incredible Factor, although it’s yours, is not about you. It’s about the lives that you will change while operating in your passion with an attitude of abundance, consistent confidence and enthusiastic expectation. Think about everyone else.
I’m reminded of a story of a lady who had had a bad day and was walking home to take a ridiculous amount of sleeping pills to end her life. As she walked up the street she saw that a home was on fire. Without even hesitating and thinking about herself for a minute, she sprang into action when she saw a little girl screaming for her mommy. Now, the mom had run to the corner store, leaving her small child alone in the house, the lady learned later. But she ran up to the side door, kicked it in and ran to retrieve the crying child. Smoke was enveloping her but she didn’t care, she kept maneuvering her way until she got herself and the small girl to safety. The moral of this story is, when you take the focus off of you and think about the lives your Incredible Factor will change, you will get unstuck! So ask yourself, how can you serve more people and help them create dreams for their family by using your Incredible Factor to your full potential?
Now it’s your turn, share how you can use the tips above to get unstuck and onto your next level in your business. If I be of assistance, consider scheduling our consulting options.
©2012 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One, Incredible Factor University® the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step-by-step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage” just fill out the form below.