5 simple steps that lead to more successful selling conversations–Darnyelle A. Jervey

Let’s be clear; it is as honorable to sell as it is to buy. Even though most business owners are aware of this fact, they still struggle with asking the most important question after the solution has been presented to the problem their ideal prospect has. Now that question, which can take many forms boils down to this: when would you like to get started? Some might say that asking it that way is too blunt and I’d say that they are chicken, not fully convinced of the value they add and clear that they are THE solution that their prospects need to once and for all solve the problem.

I recognize that selling occurs every day and somehow most would say that it’s easier if money doesn’t have to change hands. I say, why? You can convince your spouse that the movie you desire to see is somehow better than the one they desire to see but you can’t show your prospects that the solution you offer is better than the others offered in the marketplace and that they should pay you to get access to it? I’m not buying it and hopefully you won’t either as you learn my simple steps for helping to make your selling conversations more successful.

1. Set an intention before your conversation. Get quiet and clear and see yourself closing the sale and welcoming a new client into your business. What will it feel like when they enroll in your program and pay your well positioned rates? Write that positive, life affirming feeling in your journal. Start your conversation by expressing your gratitude for them wanting to meet with you. Keep your energy high and assume the answer will be yes.
2. Gain a clear understanding of the problem they are experiencing and help them to understand why they need to solve it now. Is the problem costing them money? Use a portion of the conversation to show them how much the problem is costing them so they can feel a sense of urgency to find a solution. Hint: you’re the solution!
3. Transition them from pain to promise by highlighting your solution for them with clear, measurable results NOT step-by-step processes. They want to know what they can expect when the problem has been solved not the exact way you’re going to solve it. You will lose them in translation if you don’t focus on the outcome, transformation, overall benefit or results.
4. Ask them for the sale. After you’ve walked them through your best option for them, the option that encapsulates their problem with the best possible solution in the most reasonable amount of time so that the solution is clear, experienced and no longer a hindrance, ask them if they are ready to stop the pain. While you may not use those exact words, you must use that level of conviction and confidence that in your solution lies their redemption.
5. Celebrate your new client. Collect their payment information, celebrate their decision and start solving their problem so you can get a killer testimonial or success story to bring more new clients into your business.

Selling is as honorable as buying and when you start with these simple tips, you will find yourself closing more sales and welcoming more new clients into your growing business. They’re waiting on your solution, it’s time you unleashed it!

©2011 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of IncredibleOneEnterprises.com and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD “How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients” visit https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com.

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