Now, I am so sure that when you hear me say this, you’re going to gasp for air:
Spending a lot of money to build a website is a waste.
Yup, I said it. After all, people only come to your website for two reasons: to buy something or to join your list so they can stay in touch until they are ready to buy something. Period.
I meet business owners all the time who think the first thing they need to do when they start their business is get a website. But that’s not necessarily true. To make my point, I have three (3) clients right now who all did in excess of $300,000 in the last year with no website.
Now, don’t get me wrong. You SHOULD have a website but you don’t need to go broke trying to build one. Instead you need to make sure that you maximize a few things to increase your conversions once someone lands on your home page.
In this week’s episode of Incredible Factor TV, I will be helping Kelley who has built a website that is getting tons of visitors but she’s not getting sales. Check out her question:
“Hi Darnyelle. My name is Kelley and I’m a part-time business owner from San Diego. I run my business through an ecommerce site that is starting to generate lots of traffic but my conversion is still ZERO. What can I do to get some of my visitors to make a purchase?”
See my response to her question in this week’s episode:
As I shared in the episode, when you are getting traffic but no sales, you’re doing something wrong. The fact is, they are on your site because you came up in search or your message prompted them to take an action to view your website AND they believe that you can help them. If they click away BEFORE they realize that you’ve got the goods, something is wrong with your home page.
Here are my 5 tips that will help you to keep your visitors on your site and keep them engaged long enough to either buy or join your list.
1. A Magnetic Pain Based Headline – Remember that people in pain are actively seeking a painkiller. When a new visitor lands on your website, they see you as a potential painkiller. How your headlines get and keep their attention and guide them toward the solution will ensure that they stay long enough to let you know they were there. Here’s an example: If your headline is: Grow Your Business it may get some attention, but if it were 5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Clients, Conversions and Cash it will likely get tons more attention from a visitor who is looking for more clients. When you focus on the pain point, you get more attention from someone in that exact pain.
2. Quick Yet Effective Welcome Video – If you want to convert, you need video, hands down. But not just any video, a video that is less than 3 minutes that quickly clarifies who you serve, how you serve them and how they can learn more. Oh and before the end of your video, you want a good call to action to get them to give you their contact information.
3. Juicy Free Offer with Easy-to-Find Opt-In – We live in a “try before you buy” marketplace so if you want to get and keep visitors to your website, you have to give them a sample of what it would be like to work with you. And, there is no better way than to give them a free gift that showcases your expertise and positions a new level action after you get them into your funnel. And your opt-in better be clearly visible and easy to find no matter what.
4. Exclusive Focus – Gone are the days when websites and ecommerce solutions can be a Wal-Mart. If you want to get and keep attention, you need to specialize and have an exclusive focus so that any visitor sees themselves as exactly the kind of client you actively serve.
5. Easy Navigation – If it’s not clear how to get around your site, you’ll lose people. So, be sure that your menu titles are easy to understand. I always say don’t be cute and sacrifice the clear, because clarity creates opportunities for more cash flow.
Need more insight for your website? Check out this previous post: 7 Questions Your Website Must Answer to Be Considered Client Magnetic
Now I want to hear from you, what’s your two cents?:
What other ways have you kept website visitors to your site there long enough to capture the sale or their contact information? I can’t wait to hear you share your two cents.
©2014 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.