4 Strategic Ways To Avoid Developing a Microwave Mindset When Building Your Business

Most entrepreneurs at some time or another have tried to take a “fast and furious” approach to building their business. Those same entrepreneurs learned that while fast and furious may work for a short time, the best way to grow your business is to develop a consistent and actionable approach.

I call those who like the fast and furious, microwave entrepreneurs. They are trying to quickly gain traction and often before the traction has aligned, they are moving on to the next thing. As you can see, I’m sure, this does not a sound business building strategy make.

So how do you get a balance of fast and furious combined with consistent and actionable? I’m glad you asked. In this week’s article, it is my intent to share some of the keys you need to embrace to be able to manage the growth your company experiences while still creating consistent opportunities to do things more efficiently.

1. In order to create a business that is designed for the long haul, you have to create a business that will   consistently align first and foremost with your mindset.

Microwave mindset – you want it fast, possibly for fear that the delay will eliminate your desire to still want it. More than likely you are still plagued by beliefs that do not serve you and have enticed you to believe that you cannot grow the way you desire if you build a solid consistent strategy.

You see, when you suffer from a microwave mindset, all you can think of is instant gratification. Building a business that is designed to serve others out of your gifts is not about instant gratification, it is about service; long withstanding service and building clients for life. Only those who do not truly understand what it means to be a service-based entrepreneur maintain a microwave mindset.

Article in Action: In what ways have you developed a microwave mindset? Have those ways served you as you endeavor to grow your business effectively? How or how not. Now that you have identified your mindset deficiencies, in what ways will you adjust to avoid this behavior moving forward?

A Conventional Oven mindset– you realize that building a solid, thriving business takes time. You have to first combine all of the right ingredients and then you have to combine them and prepare for your business building success. After combining them and taking action, you are equipped to watch the strategy “cook”, refine what is necessary and take action as necessitated by the process. You recognize that you are building a legacy and creating an environment for your clients to thrive and grow with you for the rest of their life.

Article in Action: How could you develop a conventional oven mindset? In what ways would this mindset serve your business building endeavors better?

2. After you deal with your mindset, you must create your ultimate goal or vision for your company. As Covey says, you must “begin with the end in mind.” When you know what you are building, you can better determine the next best steps to achieve your goals. While it will be important to lay out each step in will take, right now your big vision is the key, as this helps you to learn what it will take to complete consistent actionable steps in your business.

Article in Action: What are your ultimate goals for your business? In the next 3 years? In the next 7 years? In the next 10 years? Hint: Start with the 10 year goal then back into where you will need to be in 7, 3 and right now to achieve your 10 year goals.

3. Next, create a strategy that supports your ultimate goal or vision. This is the important part. It is quite possible that at this step, you need to engage a coach or mentor to help you develop your strategy. In fact, I recommend that you do align yourself and your vision with a coach or mentor who can support you with action, accountability and proven results. As I love to quote, “It is hard to see the picture when you are the frame.” Trying to establish this on your own could prove to be challenging and present you with opportunities to revert back to your microwave mindset. My recommendation is that you map out what you think is the appropriate course of actionable steps then engage someone to review your strategy and assess the gaps and fill in the gaps. Then, deepen the relationship to get the accountability having a conventional, business building mindset will demand.

Article in Action: If you desire to end at your ultimate goal, what will it take, one step at a time, to achieve that goal? Who can you engage to assist you in the strategy development process?

4. Then, take consistent action toward the strategy you have laid out while on a quarterly basis, reviewing it to make sure that the next steps are still the best steps to advance your business.

By starting to follow these four strategies, you will begin to shift your mindset from a microwave one to a conventional growth and strategic one. If we can assist you as the business coach and marketing mentor to align your vision with a strategy, consider a business breakthrough strategy session.

©2012 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Executive Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises.com, Incredible Factor University®  and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for building a profitable and thriving business with more clients, more income and more leverage in record time. For more information and a FREE audio download “How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients” visit https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com

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