Growing Your Financial Confidence: Navigating the Path to Millions

Let’s have a quick chat about money. I know money can cause a lot of emotions—excitement, fear, stress, and joy—but here’s the truth: feeling safe and secure with your finances is the key to unlocking abundance. Financial security is a foundation that needs to be set for all business owners and can set the stage for your million-dollar journey.

Facing the Reality of the Numbers

Here’s the reality: only 4.2% of small businesses in the U.S. reach the seven-figure mark each year. That percentage drops to 1.9% for women and an even lower .9% for Black entrepreneurs. For Black women, it’s just .5%. But don’t let these numbers discourage you—let them inspire you. Change is possible, and it starts with you.

I’m committed to shifting these stats, and since 2021, our Move to Millions Method® has helped 45 first-time and 25 next-time seven-figure CEOs reach their goals.

Why Financial Security Matters

Why is feeling secure about your money so critical? It all comes down to your nervous system. If you’re constantly stressed about money, it’s tough to make the kind of sound financial decisions that lead to growth. Kate Northrup, who I recently interviewed on the Move to Millions Podcast, emphasized that feeling safe is a prerequisite to feeling good—and that extends to feeling financially secure.

Think of it this way: if you’re always anxious about your finances, you’re blocking the flow of abundance. You need to create a mental space where you feel financially safe, which will open the door for millions to flow into your life.

Planning for Your Financial Future

To make millions, you must Plan for Millions®. Dreaming about financial success is one thing, but having a concrete plan is what will get you there. It’s all about setting achievable goals, budgeting wisely, and making informed financial decisions.

Here’s what you should focus on:

  • Set clear financial goals. Break down your targets for the next quarter, year, and five years.
  • Create a realistic budget. Keep a clear picture of your expenses and revenue streams.
  • Understand your taxes. Work with a financial advisor to make sure you’re compliant and taking advantage of any deductions.
  • Build an emergency fund. This gives you a cushion to rely on when things get tough.
  • Invest wisely. Whether it’s in your business, stocks, or real estate, make sure your money is working for you.
  • Automate your savings. Set it and forget it—make saving automatic to grow your wealth consistently.

Affirming Financial Confidence

Affirmations are a powerful way to shift your mindset around money. Here’s one you can use:
“I feel safe and secure around money, knowing it is a tool for creating abundance and leaving a lasting legacy. My nervous system is calm and resilient, allowing me to make financial decisions with confidence and ease. I release any fears or limiting beliefs about wealth and embrace a mindset of abundance.”

Another great tool for improving your relationship with money is journaling. Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • I feel safe with money because…
  • When I think about having more money than I need, I feel…
  • I embody access to wealth by…

These prompts help break down any limiting beliefs and build a positive relationship with money.

Overcoming Money Blocks

A lot of us have limiting beliefs that hold us back from financial growth. Whether it’s associating wealth with greed or feeling undeserving of abundance, it’s time to face those head-on and rewrite the script.

Here’s how to start overcoming those blocks:

  • Identify your limiting beliefs. Think about your earliest memories around money and how they’ve shaped your views.
  • Challenge them. Ask yourself if these beliefs are serving your purpose. If not, let them go.
  • Replace them with positive beliefs. Counter each negative thought with an empowering one.
  • Surround yourself with positive influences. Be around people who have a healthy relationship with money.
  • Keep learning. Books, seminars, and podcasts are great tools for adopting new perspectives on wealth.

The Next Step

Building financial confidence is an ongoing process, but it’s one that pays off—literally. Start today by tuning into my conversation with Kate Northrup on the Move to Millions Podcast, where we dive deeper into feeling safe and confident with your finances.

Ready to take real action? Head over to and learn more about how we can work together to turn your financial dreams into reality. Remember, millions are your birthright—all you need to do is make the move.

I’ll see you on the podcast!

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