“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I hope not to have a single bit of talent left, saying ‘I used everything you gave me.'” Erma Bombeck.

What a profound statement. As I sit at my computer on the Friday before Labor Day, I think about the amount of labor one must do to be able to make this statement at the end of their life and I get excited. I am so sold out on the need of empowerment in the lives of others that it is my sincere desire that I use up everything that God gave me empowering people to realize that the Incredible is tucked on the inside, and they need only make the non-negotiable decision to unleash it!!!

Labor day is a celebration of the countless lives who gave their life in work for us to be the nation we are today. Because they worked hard, we get a day off. What will you do so that someone else may enjoy rest because you came before them and labored.

My favorite book says the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few.

Not everyone wants to work hard but everyone wants the benefits of hard work – success, a nice house, a healthy bank account, but people life is about so much more than material gain. Don’t get me wrong, I know that money gives us choices and that is what we deserve to have – choices but don’t get so caught up in the monetary gain of your hard work that you miss the gift you will leave to someone else so that they may rest. My favorite book also says that we should leave an inheritance for our children’s children. In order to do so, we must labor with them in mind. It’s not about you or I, it is about those who will be blessed because of our legacy.

I learned a long time ago that we each have a choice: we can pay now and play later or we can play now and pay later but make no mistake either way, we must pay in work. I get excited about the opportunity to do work that is meaningful and helping someone else realize their Incredibleness…it is my hope and desire for you that you will too.

Be Incredible,
Enjoy your day of rest!

Darnyelle A. Jervey is the CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC a full service empowerment firm in Newark, DE. For more information, visit www.incredibleoneenterprises.com.

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