3 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Must Take a Bold, Unapologetic Stand For What They Believe In

When I first started my business in 2008, I had a business associate tell me that I needed to decrease the amount of references I made to my spirituality. Disheartened, I took to one of my favorite activities: fasting and praying. What I heard in my spirit was God saying, “people need to feel me, but not everyone is ready to see me.” Admittedly, I probably took this too far in the opposite direction. For years, if you knew me, I mean really knew me, then you knew that I loved God. But I was so busy being politically correct that I lost myself and as a result I tussled in my business and didn’t feel the complete joy and peace that I should have. I was trying to be all things to all people and I spent more time jumping on bandwagons than living my mission.

Back in 2014, I shared the following episode of Incredible Factor TV:

Fast forward two years, and not only is my business thriving, but I LOVE what I do! It’s no longer work, it’s my mission, my mandate, my ministry and I get to yield the financial and spiritual rewards of honoring myself and my core beliefs. After all, that’s why I started my own business. As I share in the video, it took me a long time to get to the place where I decided to stand boldly for my beliefs. I don’t want it to take that long for you. So, here are three reasons why you must take a bold stand for what you believe in:

1. Your most ideal clients will be drawn to you. That old tired cliché “be yourself, everyone else is already taken” has never rang more true. When you are the best version of yourself, you will attract those who have been actively seeking a person who can help them to become the best version of themselves. If you’ve been feeling like the clients you serve are place holders, stand for what you believe. And watch how the floodgates open and bring you more of your most ideal clients.

2. Your work will be much easier than trying to hide who you really are. So, you’re going to work anyway. But why work hard, if you can work easy. What I mean is that by being yourself and taking a bold stand for your beliefs, you’ll find grace and ease as a daily part of your journey. Yes, you’ll still have to pick up the phone and call your prospects, but you’ll love every second of it because they see you as the only choice to help them solve their problem.

3. You’ll accelerate your path to wealth and abundance. This where the power is: Universal Law. Let’s use the Law of Circulation as our example. Your gifts, talents and skills will expand at an ever-increasing rate and as you openly share who you are, you’ll reap the rewards of that sharing much quicker. It will take forever to reach your pinnacle when you’re untrue to yourself (plus those around you will be able to see through your act) and you’ll be kept from what you truly desire.

So my lesson to you: Get clear about your values and don’t ever step away from them. There are many people in the marketplace looking for someone who is bold in their beliefs to help them.

If you want to shift the trajectory of your business as we prepare for 2017, stand on, by, and in your core beliefs and make them the most important part of who you are and how you serve.

Your assignment: Create your core values statement for your company. Your statement should answer the following questions: Who are you, what do you believe and why is that relevant to the work you do?

©2016 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.

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