A New Way to See Sales

Recently, I’ve been sharing with our clients how to shift the way we look at sales.

Hear me out…

👉🏽Yes, sales are a transfer of confidence: you have to confidently articulate how you can solve the problem your pinnacle client has that they’ve been unsuccessful solving on their own.

👉🏽What I’m suggesting is that you shift your come from as you do.

👉🏽Instead of the conversation being about you and your service, your success rate and social proof, what if the conversation was about helping your prospect come to the realization that they need your solution without you actually sharing the features and the benefits?!

👉🏽See, most of the time, the impetus of the call is discover the cost of their problem and transition them from problem to possibility by introducing them to your solution… all the benefits and regurgitating your sales page. I’VE TAUGHT AND USED THIS FLOW FOR YEARS… and it works

👉🏽But I now know a process that works even better….and speaks to the changing needs of todays buyer…..

👉🏽Once I realized that the market has shifted, that buyers are more discerning and skeptical even, and less likely to go for what used to convert like crazy, I decided to pilot another approach, one that shifts the focus of the conversation so that they realize unequivocally that they need your help through an intense self reflection exercise. This process helps the prospect answer two questions: WIIFM & WIWFM and come to the realization of the solution entirely on their own, which makes conversion increase MASSIVELY…

📌1. What’s in it for me?

📌2. Will it work for me?

The self reflection exercise changes the game for your prospect and for you because you will start closing sales every time you interact with a prospect regardless of which method you use.

👉🏽Since I’ve been using this new sales process, I’ve watched the need to “overcome objections” completely dissipate and nearly 100% of prospects say yes to themselves through our PROVEN framework.

The truth is your prospect can read about the program on your sales page – the sales conversation shouldn’t be about that… The conversation has to be able to help them come into the realization that you are the one who can help them solve the problem they have been unsuccessful at solving on their own through their realization…not because you told them you could but because they are led to this answer through a powerful exercise… meaning you can’t convince your way to a sale.

If the light doesn’t come on for them that they must have your solution, you will not close the sale.

If your sales are less than desirable and you want to build a strong foundation for your business that will put you in position to make the move to millions in the next 1-3 years, you’ll need a leveraged sales system (among other things) that includes a process that allows your prospect to look in the mirror and see they can’t go to their next level without your framework/signature system or methodology.

My team and I can help you tighten your sales AND everything it will take to scale and sustain a million-dollar company. Visit

www.partnerwithDarnyelle.com to learn about our programs to serve you on the Move to Millions continuum or DM me PARTNER to start the conversation that will change your business and your life by changing your sales.

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