How to Build Clients for Life: The Problem Progression Plan

Last week, I held the 2nd quarter business building retreat with my Incredible Factor University clients. As we do each quarter, we set intentions, adjusted our mindsets, checked in on our goals, tracked our results and worked through the blueprint for growing their business and achieving their growth plans.

At each of these retreats, I always like to do some Q and A and some advanced training. Based on a question asked by one of my clients, I offered an impromptu training on the strategy I’ve used consistently to build clients for life.

Unfortunately, most service providing entrepreneurs tend to focus on solving the problem that their client has without thinking ahead to the next problem they will gain once the current problem has been solved.

As a business coach and strategist, there is ONE strategy that I share at least once a day with my clients: The universal law of business. This law, which is a core principle in my Magnetic Marketing Success Formula, states, “Get found by a group of people who have the problem that you solve that are ready right now to pay for a solution to the problem.”

In this video that I shot 4 years ago, I talk about creating a problem progression plan (PPP). A PPP, when designed correctly, focuses on solving just one problem at a time for your clients.

Check out what I mean in this video, which is still relevant today:

A Product Progression Plan is a logical plan for what product or program you will offer first, second and so on. Most importantly the determination is based on the problems you will solve and the order in which the problems will be solved. The best way to understand how to set up a Problem Progression Plan is to use an example.

I’ll use my business as an example so you can see how this can work for you.

When I first started my business, instead of asking myself, “What do I know about?” (and offering a program about that) I asked myself, “What is the first problem facing my Audience of One?” I found out the first problem service-based business owners face is clarifying their ideal client.

Once I was clear of what problem I wanted to solve, based on being crystal clear about my ideal client and their needs, I created my first offering.

It was a home study program called, Ideal Client Boot Camp: How to Clarify and Connect With Your Audience of One. It allowed me to walk them step-by-step through the process of getting clear about and creating a plan to attract their ideal clients. The program is still available and delivered digitally so that clients can access it right away. The best part of the program is that it works regardless of if you serve consumers or businesses. Once my clients were clear on their ideal clients, I asked them what new problem had emerged that they needed solved? (Side bar: Whenever you solve a problem, a new problem emerges.) They said:

  • “What do I do once I get a prospect?”
  • “How do I structure my prices?”
  • “How do I create programs and packages?”
  • “How do I close the sale?”
  • “What should I put in my packages?”

I noticed that all of the problems they were facing next had to do with being able to service their newly defined ideal clients! Now that I was clear what direction to take to help them next, I created my second offering, a home study program called Get Paid: How to Package, Price and Successfully Sell Your Incredible Factor.

At the end of this program, instead of asking myself, “What else do I know about? What else can I offer?” I asked myself, “What is the next problem my clients are facing?” They answered: “How do I create a strategic way to keep my client pipeline full so that I keep my clients for life?” In other words, “How do I use compelling and authentic marketing to grow my business systematically so that I attract all the clients I need?”

Clear about the next product I should create, I created my third offering, a home study program called The Magnetic Marketing Success Formula. The Magnetic Marketing Success Formula has become our flagship and best selling product. It encompasses everything you need to create marketing that helps you to get known, get found and ultimately get paid. To learn more about the Magnetic Marketing Success Formula, visit You’ll love having access to this program; it has everything that you need to really become a ROCK Star in your business.

Now that you understand how a Problem Progression Plan works, you have to get clear about how you will set up your very own. What will your first paid program be? In fact, I recommend that you create your entire progression plan. You’ll be glad that you figured this out in advance.

Need help developing your Problem Progression Plan? Consider joining me for the LAST EVER Unleash Your Incredible Factor Live where I share core content from my best selling home study programs live in a room with 200 entrepreneurs from all over the world. To learn more, visit

©2016 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.

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