In this week’s episode, I’m interviewing my longtime client and friend, Marissa Q. Paine of the Painefree Coaching and Consulting Group. She’s powerful and passionate about helping people shift – personally, professionally and in relationships. Marissa is one of the best whoever did it and the world is definitely a better place because she is leveraging her Incredible Factor. We started talking about our work together (going from six-figure contractor to multiple six-figure business) and ended up sharing some powerful nuggets that will change your life if you let them, especially when you are ready for a massive shift to live your best life. Enjoy.
Listen in to hear:
- Why you must do it even if you’re afraid
- The power that comes in walking into the highest version of yourself
- Why you must continue to grow and evolve no matter what
- The value of being in a space that feeds your whole self
About Marissa
Marissa Q. Paine is a powerful tour de force in the space of transformation. She is the principle of the Painefree Coaching and Consulting Group, Co-Founder of the Foundation for Successful Marriage and the talent behind the powerful brand Marissa Q. Paine. She’s a visionary and everyday wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend and servant of the Most High on her way to a business and life beyond her wildest imagination.
Connect with Marissa
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