Director’s Cut: 3 Tips To Help Entrepreneurs Sustain a Relationship with Non-Entrepreneurs (So Your Business Growth Doesn’t Slow)

One of the truisms in life that I subscribe to is that life and business are completely congruent. And that is why I personally say “you can’t have a booming business when you have a busted life.”

There are many things that can affect your business that happen in your life and your romantic relationship is certainly one of them. In this week’s episode of Incredible Factor TV, I let my creative director Blake loose! And as he always does, he asks me the questions that are always good and always stump me a little. Check out his question in this new episode of Incredible Factor TV:

Disclosure statement: I am not a relationship expert! Blake loves to ask me these kinds of questions and I am happy to weigh in, but just understand that this is the world accordingly to Darnyelle (and that may not be right!)

As I share in the video, I think that regardless of who you’re in love with, you need to be on the same page – working toward a common goal together. How you arrive to the same destination is inconsequential, but that you arrive is essential. There are many people who choose to be with entrepreneurs because they get it. And there are just as many who are with employees because they like the balance. There’s no right or wrong answer (and I certainly am not an authority), but I will share three tips have worked for me and my love to help us have a constantly growing, always loving connection and relationship.

In my own relationship, I enjoy the balance of his need for security with my desire to take big risks; he keeps me grounded. Knowing who we each are and what we bring to the table helps us to work consistently toward helping each other be the best versions of ourselves.

1. Accept them for who they are and the value they add to your life. I’m not just talking about taking the Five Love Language quiz (although that is important.) I’m talking about having a clear understanding of their value system and what is most important to them. I recommend that you have the core value conversation and discuss the role you’ll each play in allowing your core values to infiltrate your relationship. You want to be clear about the value you each bring to one another and remember that no matter what you’re working toward the same thing.

2. Communicate, communicate and over communicate. Keeping the lines of communication open to discuss all aspects of your lives is key. Having consistent conversations about goals and vision are key too. You’ve got to talk about every and any thing. You have to share the ups and downs of entrepreneurship with your partner but you also need to have a support group when they don’t get it. There are just some things they may never understand if they aren’t in your world. Know that, expect that and have an outlet for that. But ensure that you allow your partner completely in to your world.

3. Don’t let your relationship highjack your business growth goals. What I mean is that you still have a responsibility to yourself to operate a business. So, I don’t recommend that you downplay your results to keep the peace in your relationship. I know this may sound crazy, but you’re not going to be happy if you do, you’re going to be resentful. Let your partner be your reason why you work hard, not the reason you coast. And, help them to understand your big why and give them confidence so that they don’t have to become intimidated. This is also why understanding values is so important.

Now I want to hear from you: What’s your two cents?!

©2017 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.

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