Donald Morton: The Core of Who We Are

“Character is a person’s capacity to meet, face and overcome adverse realities.” –Donald Morton

About Our Guest: Donald Morton is the Founder and CEO of The ReManned Project™. The ReManned Project seeks to improve the quality of life of individuals families and societies through accurately reconstructing authentic manhood. With over 25 years of experience, Donald, is a male leadership expert, speaker and consultant who helps men to face their adverse realities so that they emerge from self sabotage and live the lives they’ve always craved. Donald is a well sought after speaker and consultant to politicians, business owners and other high profile leaders of family and community.

Morton started the ReManned Project after a personal journey that left him and loved ones humiliated and disappointed. “I reneged on a personal vow and the outcome was painful for those I care about. I was not the man I should have been, could have been. It was time to change.”

His work in restoring men to a place of wholeness has been featured in numerous magazines, publications, news outlets and interviews to include but not limited to USA Today, Delaware Today, TV One and WITN 22 and Donald is a 2016 Black Enterprise Modern Man, noted as being “The Innovative Theologian”. He has spoken at universities, colleges and businesses on the topics of social change. Donald lives by this quote:

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”  – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Episode Summary: Every leader has an important discovery to make about themselves – the content of their character. With cities still burning and activists still protesting, one thing is clear – getting to the core of who we are is one of the ways we will be the change we wish to see.

In this week’s episode, I sit down with Donald Morton and we have a conversation that was initially intended to offer insight on how to face the “new normal” COVID-19 has created as cities begin to reopen. And even though our dialog was focused on providing practical tips and strategies to move forward in the midst of a pandemic, every word that Donald spoke is relevant right now as we continue to unpack the racial unrest sweeping our nation. I felt that now more than ever, we need to hear positive black male voices offering valuable insight. If we listen, we will not only get to the core of who we are, but emerge better, stronger and ready to shake the planet.

Listen in to discover:

  • The powerful three-part self-assessment every self-proclaimed leader must complete
  • How to define your core values for yourself and how to use them to shape they way you serve others
  • Why today’s leaders must lean in vs leaning back in crisis

Powerful Donald Morton Quotes from the Episode:

“Everything has to do with character.”

“People are looking for a leader who will lean in not lean back in times of crisis.”

“Stop looking through a window; start looking in the mirror.

“Everything begins are the core of who we are.”

“External Locus of control means I am controlled by things happening around me.

Donald’s Incredible Factor Wisdom Questions:

Last book Donald read: “What You Think of Me Is None of My Business” by Teri Cole Whitaker

Favorite Quote: “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” –Unknown

Tool Donald can’t live without to grow his business: His signature system

How to Connect with Donald Morton:



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