Fear, no match for Faith

“When you know your purpose, your fear is no match for your faith.” Darnyelle A. Jervey.

As I was getting dressed this morning, I clearly heard my spirit say that my faith would always conquer my fear; I had made up my mind, I have made a non-negotiable decision that fear and faith will never occupy the same place in my life. I often have decisions to make, concerns that may be facing me but I never give them room to deter me from my path; you see, I know my purpose.

How about you?

Do I get fearful sometimes? Of course, I am human. But I never let that fear keep me from getting up and doing it anyway. I believe it is an anynomous quote “Feel the fear but do it anyway,” and that is exactly what I do. Fear is nothing more than false evidence appearing as if it were real. Basically our minds play tricks on us and when we are not fully convinced that we can defeat the fear, it wins. But I say that it is time to rise up against your fears and do it anyway. Fear and faith are like oil and water and they will never mix but I think that if you decide today to find your purpose, you will realize the significance of faith in your life. Purpose when manifested will give you a confidence that is out of this world and allow you to reposition yourself to do great things because you know what you are here for. Here aree a few quick tips to help you:
1. Get to a quite place and Inspect the Incredible by completing a self assessment – find out who you are…my book, The Incredible You can help you to define the Incredible in You and unleash your passion.
2. Make a non-negotiable decision that once you have determined your purpose, no matter what comes your way, you will pursue it passionately.
3. Never give up on you no matter what others say and do.
4. Believe that you can do anything to which you put your mind.
5. Attract the Incredible or surround yourself with people who can encourage ande edify you to make it happen.

Need a confidence boost, do it anyway. Don’t let fear keep you from your destiny…remember what God has for you, is yours. So feel the fear but do it anyway. After all, “When you know your purpose, your fear will be no match for your faith.”

Be Incredible,

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