Firing Fear as the CEO of Your Business

“Fear is your clear sign that you’re on the verge of your next level.” –Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Fears, how many of us have them? Let’s just keep it real, we all have fears BUT when those fears stop us from doing what we must to move our businesses forward, something must be done. In this powerful episode, I share how you can bridge the gap between your faith and your fear so that you can finally fire fear as the CEO of your company and take your business to the next level. I even share a powerful exercise I usually do with attendees at my live event (yes, you can download your own copy).

Listen in to discover:

  • What people really mean when they say “live fearless”
  • 5 steps you can take anytime you feel fear to put fear in its proper place
  • Why you really want to feel fear; it’s a powerful sign

Powerful Quotes From the Episode

“Everything you desire is on the other side of your fear.”

“Most fear is tied to money when you’re a business owner.”

Download the Renounce Financial Fear Worksheet

I’m gifting you the Renounce Financial Fear Worksheet. It’s time to stop letting fear control how much money you make. Click here to access the worksheet.

Want more of Darnyelle?


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