“We spend way to much time talking about and no time walking toward what we want in life.”
What would happen if you actually began to walk toward what you want to bring into your life?
How would your life be different if your dream was not a figment of your imagination but within a few strategic steps?
What one small yet Incredible step can you take that would allow you to keep walking toward your goal?
I’m looking for a few walkers…a few who will commit to walking with me toward what they want….No Matter What. I guarantee that life will happen but those who want to walk with me will commit to the non-negotiable decision to keep walking despite the obstacles that present themselves. Remember, the only difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is how you use it. Will you take the Road Less Traveled with me? I love that Robert Frost poem. When you walk with me, it will make all the difference.
I know that 86% of you will allow your fear of failure to stop you dead in your tracks. I’m talking to the 14% of you who are ready to get what has been earmarked and reserved for you.
I’m lacing up my shoes now…are you?
1. Get clear on what you desire to bring into your life…complete a life description…
2. Write down your vision – 10 goals for your life on index cards to create flash cards that you will review each day.
3. Start each day in gratitude, powerful intenting and affirmation.
4. Determine the one, powerful, meaningful first step and create an action plan in preparation to take it.
5. WALK – There’s a poem called Come to the Edge….when you come to the edge, I will push you and watch you grow your wings, land safely and walk into your destiny.
If you want to walk with me, complete a coaching consult request form on my website https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com
Be Incredible,
Darnyelle A. Jervey is a professional speaker and coach committed to imparting skills, strategies and solutions to define and unleash the Incredible in the lives and businesses in women.
Copyright (c) 2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved.