Got Vision?

As a success coach and empowerment speaker, I am often challenged to help people develop vision that sees the invisible and believes that anything is possible.

When I think of vision, I am reminded of a child who has an imaginary friend. With their imaginary friend in tow, that child pursues situations and obstacles with a consistent confidence and enthusiastic expectation that is unparalleled in the world today. I often wonder why our minds don’t allow us to think and act as children when it comes to taking the necessary risks and faith walks to live an Incredible life filled with dream fulfillment and passion, abundance, confidence and expectation.

As adults, we don’t believe in imaginary friends, but when you have vision, you see possibilities and results that are not visible to others. Being a visionary is an important key to becoming the Incredible You. When you have vision, you have victory. One of my favorite personal statements that I created when I first started working with other people as a success coach was “if you can see the invisible, God can do the impossible, so dream the Incredible.” When I say this statement each day, I am focusing on helping people to become visionaries in their lives and the lives of their family members. Situations are changed because of vision. Nothing great in this life was ever accomplished without vision. Think of anyone that you admire in this world. No matter whom they are and how significant their triumph, they possessed an uncanny ability to see the invisible and do the impossible, otherwise, you would not look up to them.

Need an example of what vision can do for you? Take Colonel Sanders of the infamous KFC chain. When he retired, he received his first social security check of less than $100, he was disappointed but he had something worth much more….his recipe for finger licking good chicken! He went out on sales calls to many restaurants offering to make chicken in their kitchens for only a portion of the proceeds of the chicken sales and they laughed at him! But his vision kept him going. He did not give up after that 1st, 2nd of 100th “no.”

How many of us would have stopped?

But because of his vision, he knew that something more was around the corner and he pressed forward. Did you know that he received 1,008 “no’s” before he got a “Yes?!” And the rest is history. My point? Vision keeps you going long after others have given up on you. Vision says no matter what, I believe in myself and because of that, I am worth more than what man has to say about me, my goal, my dream or my idea.

When you have the foresight to see those things that do not exist currently but know in your heart, mind and spirit that they will come to pass, you are becoming a visionary, much like the people you admire. No vision is too small and I admonish you not to compare your triumphs with those of others as we are all on an individual journey.

Visionaries think outside of the box. Visionaries are able to do things a little differently to get a victorious result. Visionaries never give up because they don’t know what is coming around the next corner. It is always too early to throw in the towel on your hopes, dreams and desires.

Vision is the key to maximizing and unlocking your potential. Not a visionary? Make a non-negotiable decision that the time is now to receive the victory in your life. You can be a visionary as soon as you realize that all that it takes is for you to be able to say right now that you are able to accomplish that which you desire to do. If you can see it, it can be a reality. Do you have faith and believe that you can do anything that you put your mind to?

In this time of economic downturn, vision is looking at your checkbook and getting excited because the money is on the way. Although you can’t see it now, you have full knowledge and belief that you possess what it takes to move from victim to visionary. If you want to have victory, you have to be optimistic. Is your glass half full? When your glass is half full, you are closing in on your victory. When you are able to see clearly those things which do not yet exist, you are walking in a liberating victory because those dreams, goals and desires are just an action away from becoming reality and catapulting you into a personal triumph.

Having vision is pivotal if you want to achieve anything in life. So think, see and then do. You can do it, Incredible One. I believe in you. The Incredible You is waiting; he or she is standing just behind your vision.

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