Have You Ever?

R & B Singer Brandy has a song that is called “Have You Ever,” and the opening verse to the song begins “Have you ever wanted something so bad you can’t sleep at night…” So on this Take Action Tuesday, I ask you the same question:
Have You Ever Wanted Something So Bad that You Can’t Sleep At Night?

I am sure that you have, so I have a follow up question:

What Are You Willing To Do To Get It?

I have said many times that in order to have something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done. I mean, come on, what is the point of dreaming if you don’t really want the dreams to come true? Exactly. It takes a non-negotiable decision and a made up mind that the dream will become a reality. And then it TAKES ACTION. Ideas like and need speed so we can not dilly dally and procrastinate on our dreams. But so many of us do. You had a dream that began 5 years ago to write your book, and here you still only have the Table of Contents….what happened? You failed to launch because you have not learned how to make your dreams come true. A dream without a plan is nothing more than one of the 60,000 thoughts that you have each day that runs amiss. It’s true that 90% of those 60,000 thoughts are the same old thing because many of us muddle in mediocrity and have no clue how to get out.

I FIGURED it out….

I use to want things so bad that I couldn’t sleep at night but now that I know the steps to take to get what I want, I can sleep soundly through the night and operate in INTENTION to make it happen. I take deliberate ACTION on purpose, with purpose, promise and authority to live my dreams. Come on, is there any other way to live? Am I saying that I don’t have challenges, no; challenges are a part of life. Those who have no challenges are in eternal rest. But I CHOOSE to see each challenge as an opportunity to LEARN to enhance my experience. Did you catch that I CHOOSE (that is taking ACTION)

Have you ever wanted to do the same?

Darnyelle A. Jervey is the Chief Empowerment Officer of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC a full service empowerment firm committed to your transformation by helping you to define and unleash the Incredible in you. For more information, please visit https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com.

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