Currently accepting enrollments for the next Intensive

April 24-26
July 24-26
October 23-25
We meet virtually from 10-2 pm EST each day for 3 days.

No matter where you are in your business, getting to your next milestone requires you tighten your packaging, pricing, positioning and promotion. Let's do this!

Lay the groundwork for your first


in just 3 days

Even if you're just barely over the six-figure mark.

The truth is, you have a million dollar business right now.
It’s just not packaged, priced, positioned or promoted right. 
That’s right; if you desire a multi-six or seven figure business, there are three gaps you’ll have to close: packaging/pricing, positioning and promotion!

And, every time you desire to up-level, it’s not more work you need to do; it’s more refinement. 

If you’ve had a $10K month, you’ve done the work to produce a $100K month – even if you’ve only done it once, BECAUSE it’s the same energy.

I promise – you don’t have to work harder to earn the money you’ve been praying for.

I was making six figures


I was making 6 figures, but it was anything but easy – long days, working weekends, hustling to get clients and barely enough energy to serve the clients I had.

If you know how it feels, you’ve been working really hard, over-serving and over-delivering to your clients because you think that is the way you have to do it to if you want to earn six figures a year…

More than likely you’re operating a wide business model with TONS of offers and are STILL just BARELY across the 6-figure mark in your business (more offers doesn’t mean more sales, it means more hustle). I bet you quickly realized that a low six figure business isn’t enough to build wealth for yourself and leave a legacy for your family…

Kinda sucks, doesn’t it?

What if I told you that you don’t have to work hard to make great money, and you could apply the same energy you’re expending right now to go from low 6 to multi-six figures much sooner than you thought, with milestones along the way for $250K, $500K and $750K…

If you’re here, I bet I know something about you:
You have hit the “glass ceiling” in your OWN business.

You’re stagnant with no significant changes in your revenue and you are nowhere near making the kind of impact you KNOW you’re called to make. You know deep down inside that until you’re at least at the $250,000 mark, with consistent and predictable revenue, you’ll continue to struggle even though some would say you’ve “made it.” You know that you need to tighten and up-level the core areas of your business so that you can turn your business into a business that affords you the opportunity to pay yourself AT LEAST six figures a year. 

If I’m right about you, right now you’re at the crossroad of “hustle and grind” and “there’s got to be more to life than this.”

And you are tired.

Tired of working hard, tired of your spoiled clients (you made them this way), tired of watching hours come and go and not having what you KNOW you should to show for it, tired that even though you’re at the six-figure mark, you have to tell your kids that you can’t spend time with them or take them to Disney (or Paris)… again. You’re tired of watching your spouse go to a job they hate, tired of others breezing on to the scene and quickly generating six or seven figures… TIRED.

As a result, you’re caught between “bottlenecked” and “booming” – and one thing is for sure: You’ll burn out way before you cash out if you don’t find another way.

What got you to 6 figures,


Let me start by celebrating you! It’s a big deal to cross the six-figure mark. According to the Small Business Administration, only roughly 10.35% of small business owners ever do. I’m really proud of you! Six figures is an incredible achievement but you know you’re just getting started, right?

Now the real shifts begin…

Start your journey beyond the
6-figure mark in 3 short days.

Introducing the

There are TONS of programs out there that take weeks or years to produce what my team and I will help you to create in record time.

Leverage + Scale Intensive is the start of something Incredible. Our 3 day virtual retreat, will guide and support you in closing the three BIGGEST gaps in your business keeping you from your Next Money Milestone ($250K, $500K or $1M).

You'll walk away with an optimized offer suite so that you deliver only the best value to your clients, tighten your key messaging, and streamline your marketing and sales systems, so you can grow your business to multiple-six figures without working 24/7, spending unnecessary time on social media AND doing busy work that makes you feel like you deserve the money you’re earning.


Before the Leverage + Scale Intensive, I always had a problem getting over the $10K hump (I never sold more than $12K or earned more than $10K in my business in one month). I’m thankful that I did the Leverage + Scale Intensive. In 30 days following my weekend with Darnyelle, my sales were $37K and my revenue $14K!!!

The weekend was life changing – now I’m charging my worth, turning down items outside of my offers, and don’t feel anxiety about it as if nothing will come if I turn this down. I’m laser focusing in on my new offers. Made 2 appointments to test drive my 2 favorite vehicles. My webinar funnel is almost completed. For anyone who is thinking about the Leverage + Scale Intensive, stop thinking and do it! Your Next Level is waiting.

Myown Holmes

Socially Polished


Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, MBA is the truth, and God has created her to be such an inspiration to many. I joined the Leverage + Scale Intensive because I needed a coach to get me to where I needed to be faster. Well, Darnyelle did just that. The gifts that God has given her has helped me to secure my first 6-figure client at $178,000!!! You cannot tell me that her systems do not work!

If you work it, follow her guidance, and exercise patience, you will see results faster than you could do on your own. I’m so thankful to God for Darnyelle!

Asha Wilson

The Wilson Marketing Firm


In the 60 days following Leverage + Scale Intensive, we have generated $62,646 in sales revenue. We have another potential $97,500 in the pipeline… and we haven’t even implemented the rest of the processes yet! These will be handled with “grace and ease” as Darnyelle Jervey Harmon so eloquently says. We are beyond excited. Thank you, Jesus!

Angela Lewis Myles

The Myles Factor

$17,000 in cash injection strategies in 30 days

Prior to starting my Leverage + Scale Intensive  with Darnyelle and team, I used the cash injection strategies we get upon enrollment and I generated $17,000 in 30 days! That was BEFORE we even held our virtual retreat. I am just getting started and I can’t wait to see how much my business grows as a result of investing to work with Darnyelle and Team Incredible One.

Felicia Streeter

Government Contracting Strategist

register to work with us

and see how the Leverage + Scale Intensive is the beginning of the most impactful season in your business!

Here's what's included in the

We'll prepare you before we even meet with the most powerful pre-work...

Your experience starts from the moment you invest in yourself and your next level. You’ll get impact-shifting pre-work so that you are in a mind space that supports your up-leveling. In preparation for your three days, you get access to six (6) powerful modules:

  • Clarity for Your Business: You’ll get crystal clear about the next level of your business and create your Six Figure Months Business Blueprint.

  • Up-Level Your Signature Business Move (aka Signature System). The key to leverage + scale is your core process and framework that makes success predictable for your clients. You’ll tighten and tweak your signature system or create it from scratch as a part of your pre-work then submit it to our team for a review of it BEFORE your intensive starts.

  • Up-level Your Ideal Client: As you develop your Leverage + Scale business collateral, it is not likely that you’ll be focused on the same clients you use to attract. In an effort to help you begin the up-leveling process, we will take you all the way back to getting clear about your ideal client (which we call your Pinnacle Client™).
  • Start with Why: We take you all the way back to why you started your business in order to help you shift the way you think about your messaging and marketing. This is such a powerful way to change the way you scale your business.

  • MORE: The Money Mindset Masterclass: Until you know that you deserve to earn more, you won’t be able to earn more so we are going to deal with your money consciousness and begin the process of radically dismantling your limiting money beliefs (includes completing your money map).

  • The X-1-X Strategy: This is a quick way to recoup your investment in the program by helping you identify and convert new qualified leads within 30 days, without Facebook Ads, complicated funnels, or launches.

The 3 Day RETREAt

You’ll lay the foundation to quantum leap your business with your Leverage + Scale Offer Suite™, your Leverage + Scale Messaging Suite™ and your Leverage + Scale Business Success Formula™.

Day 1

Leverage + Scale Offer Suite

Your offer is the key to Leverage + Scale. These offers will be priced for you to hit your money milestone QUICKLY. You’ll walk away with your Leverage + Scale Offer Suite which includes a maximum of three (3) offers – a Superb Offer, a Signature offer and a Select Offer, which will have you earning between $10,000 – $100,000 PER new client. Remember, it takes the same energy to sell higher end programs as it does to sell low. With your NEW Leverage + Scale Offer Suite, you can expect your offer to do each of the following for your business:

1.) Illustrates why you’re the OBVIOUS choice in the market.

2.) Generates more revenue for you from each new sale.

3.) Brings more of the right clients to your programs.

4.) Increases your perceived value based on the expertise and transferrable results you offer.

5.) Allows you to be more selective with who you enroll so you can get rid of desperate sales energy (you’ll even learn my secret for converting prospects to paying client without have to spend all your time in “sales mode”.)

Day 2

Leverage + Scale Messaging Suite

Second ONLY to what you offer is your messaging. And if you don’t get known, you won’t get found… which means you can forget about getting paid. We take all of the guesswork out of creating your key messages and benefit statements for each offer, along with your powerful sales copy for your first or next ad and nurture sequence with our highly-converting Plug and Play templates.

We start with your key messages and then shift into your benefit statements for your offer suite before ending with your coveted nurture and follow up sequences. Then, we will teach you how to leverage your story to position and convert! You’ll leave with a tight message that will make you millions.

Day 3

Leverage + Scale Business Success Formula

We’ll help you create a sales funnel so that you are CLEAR about every step in your business model to achieve your goals quickly. We will go from ideal client to income and EVERYTHING you need for business success in between. And more than that, you’ll KNOW EXACTLY which strategy you’re leveraging in your business over the next year to hit your next money milestone. The clarity that comes with this process is not only profit producing, but it stops the need to hustle and grind in your business. You’ll actually have time to enjoy all of the ADDITIONAL money you’re earning in your business and you’ll be able to build a team so that you get to do only the parts you love.

And you’ll do all of this based on our Leverage + Scale Incredible One Framework. With extreme FOCUS, you’ll make the move to millions sooner than you ever could on your own.

To join us for the next intensive, enroll today


I just had another effortless $25K close on the program Darnyelle helped me price BEFORE at Leverage + Scale Weekend! That makes $75k just from this offer; $125k in total in less than 30 days!

TerDawn DeBoe

Brand Strategist


Hey there IFU family! I just reached my goal and made over $20,000 this month BEFORE our intensive! I am so excited for the 3-day retreat so that I can explode it!

Stevii Aisha Mills

Business Coach & Consultant


My first work with Darnyelle was in her Leverage & Scale Intensive. From that program, I was able to shift my business and enroll my first clients into my high end speaker consulting programs. I then enrolled in the Move to Millions Mastermind and I am continuing to elevate the way I lead, build my team and grow my income. Working with Darnyelle and her team feed my soul. There is no one who is able to combine the spiritual with business in the way that she does. If I would have met her when I started my business, I know I would be farther alone but I am grateful to be here now and watching my legacy scale.

Jasmin Haley

Legacy Scale Speaking


Before the Leverage + Scale Intensive, I was experiencing inconsistent months in my business even though I knew that my goals were possible. Enter Darnyelle and Team Incredible One. I was able to be around high achievers and given access to a plan that would allow me to grow my business by deepening my faith and connection to God. During the L + S Intensive program, my biggest wins included: increased confidence, 50% increase to mailing list, and $48,000 in new revenue in 90 days! If you’re looking for a coaching team that cares about you and your success, you need Team Incredible One!

Ashleigh Chanél

Make Your Mark Digital Marketing Agency

Now, you have a decision to make...

Which door do you choose?

DOOR #1: do it alone

You can try to figure out and implement what it’s going to take to make more than most make in a year in a month in your business.

The only problem is that you don’t know what you don’t know, and it takes monumental time and energy to discover what it’ll take.


DOOR #2: Let us help

You can join us for Leverage + Scale Intensive™ and 30 days from your intensive your business will have stronger, more compelling offers, tighter, contrarian messaging and more refined marketing and sales strategies.

You’ll have a business that is poised to profit no matter what is going on in the world.


At the end of our three days together, your business will never be the same.

$30,000 CASH IN 30 DAYS FOLLOWING the LEVERAGE + SCALE intensive

Coming into the Intensive, I already knew what I was getting. This isn’t the first time I’ve worked with Darnyelle. I knew that not only would it be good, but it would shift the trajectory of my business. In fact, I’ve been able to create my million dollar year plan based on my Leverage + Scale Offer Suite. What I loved is that I got to finally create my high-end offers and messaging so that getting to my true ideal clients would be easier. Darnyelle gave us a goal to generate $30,000 in 30 days and hitting that goal has never been easier! I highly recommend the Leverage + Scale Intensive to anyone who is ready to reach their next level.

LaChelle Barnett

Launch Strategist & Consultant


Leverage + Scale Intensive was the beginning of my next level. First of all, there are business coaches and then there is Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. I literally made my investment back DURING the weekend with one of the homework assignments. And went on to have my best month EVER in my business up until that point. In Darnyelle’s words, I keep outdoing myself. 

Best investment ever and the support of Darnyelle and her team – priceless. Do yourself a favor and enroll.

Tenita Chantilly Johnson

Writing, Editing, Publishing


Darnyelle is the real deal! I enrolled in Leverage + Scale Intensive ready to create higher end offers, work on my messaging and streamline my process. Within 30 days, I closed a paid in full $12K client using the insights and strategies Darnyelle has shared with us. In addition to that, I am pursuing bigger opportunities and closing more deals. I love having access to Darnyelle and the team; it’s growing me in every way.

Christina Joy Whittaker

Business & Leadership Coach

FROM $5,500 A MONTH TO $15,000 IN 30 DAYS!

I attended Darnyelle’s Leverage + Scale Intensive and BEFORE the intensive even happened, I received my investment back. Since the Intensive, I have watched my monthly revenue increase from $5,500 to $15,000 and that is within 30 days!!! She shared one strategy that I am able to leverage to get people to pay in full to work with me! Darnyelle is definitely a coach to consider if you’re ready to grow your business.

Latrice Goodwine

Financial Coach & Author

MORE THAN $100,000 IN NEW revenue!

Darnyelle is the GOAT – when it comes to business growth knowledge and aligning your faith with your ability to generate consistent revenue in your business, no one does it better. 

In less than 90 days, I’ve closed more than $100,000 in new business, secured $25,000 in sponsorship for my live event, and I now know that I can take my business to ½ million (if not a million) in the next year to 18 months. And this all started with Leverage + Scale Intensive.

Donald Morton

Remanned Project


Participating the the Strategic Biz Retreat (now the Leverage + Scale Intensive) was just what I needed to make a significant shift in my business. I had worked with Darnyelle a few years ago and as a result, I become a six figure business owner by leveraging her strategies. Ready to up-level my business again, I joined her at an SBR, and it was exactly what I needed.

In the 6 months following the retreat, I have closed $72,000 in new business, had clients renew, re-aligned my brand and hired key team members to help me continue to grow and scale my business.

Sherrell Martin

Nitram Financial Solutions

I closed a $46,000 contract!

Before working with Darnyelle, when presented with an opportunity to work with an organization, I would have offered what I just made $46,000 on for $10,000! But I attended the Strategic Biz Retreat (now the Leverage + Scale Intensive) with Darnyelle and got up-leveled; my mindset, my rates, my confidence and my ability to close more sales more often. I cannot believe that just 30 days after the retreat, I have earned $46,000. In the year since I experienced the retreat, I’ve added more than $200,000 in new revenue and I’m just getting started!

If you are ready to make more money doing what you love, you need to attend the next retreat that Darnyelle offers and I am just getting started!

Marissa Q. Paine

Mover & Shifter


I had been in my business for six years and I was making money, but I knew that I was not at the level of income that I should be based on my expertise and offers. Enter Darnyelle and her Strategic Biz Retreat (now the Leverage + Scale Intensive). We worked to create a focused, customized plan to grow my business and to get clear on my audience and offerings. Attending that retreat truly changed the trajectory of my business. As a result of implementing the plan we created, I grew my business to seven figures! And, I was just awarded the Enterprising Women of the Year Award as a $1M business! This award and the success of my business are a direct result of working with Darnyelle. She helped me find and focus on the holes and plug them with sustainable strategies and systems. If you know you have holes in your business and you want help plugging them profitably, work with Darnyelle and her team.

Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis

Executive Women's Success Institute

Meet your lead Move to Millions Coach and Multi-Millionaire CEO Mentor


Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon is the CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, a multi-million dollar coaching and consulting brand. Best known for transforming the lives of her business coaching clients, Darnyelle equips her clients to leverage and scale businesses that serve them financially and spiritually. From mindset to messaging, marketing, sales, systems and scale, Darnyelle can take you from six figures to seven figures in record time all while deepening your connection to God and strengthening your faith.

Darnyelle is an award-winning CEO, speaker, consultant and strategist whose work has been featured in Inc., Essence, Success, Forbes, Black Enterprise and O Magazines. She is a best-selling author with 7 books to her credit, including her latest projects Burn the Box: 7 Fire Starter Strategies Leaders Can Leverage and Market Like a R.O.C.K. Star. In 2012, she was named Coach of the Year by Stiletto Woman Media and in 2013, she was recognized as a Small Business Champion by Small Business Trends. In 2018, she was awarded the Women Presidents Organization’s Women of Color Excellence Award and she joined the $1MM class of Enterprising Women of the Year. In 2019, Darnyelle was named the Black CEO of the Year and was a finalist for the eWomenNetwork Made It to a Million Award. In 2021, she was awarded with an honorary doctorate in entrepreneurship.  In 2022, her company was recognized as a fastest growing company by Inc. 5000 in the 1209th place.  

Darnyelle has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Delaware, a Masters of Business Administration from Goldey Beacom College, a Kolbe Specialist Certification from the Kolbe Corporation, an Executive Coaching Certification from the Center for Executive Coaching and a prophetic anointing from God.

Legal and Financial Disclaimer: Our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials are not to be perceived or relied upon in any way as business, financial or legal advice. The information provided through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice that can be provided by your own accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor. We are not giving financial or legal advice in any way. You are hereby advised to consult with your own accountant, lawyer or financial advisor for any and all questions and concerns you have regarding your own income and taxes pertaining to your specific financial and/or legal situation. You agree that we are not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials. You are solely responsible for your results.

Earnings Disclaimer: You acknowledge that we have not and do not make any representations as to the health physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or health benefits, future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in this Program, Product, Services or Program Materials. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results. Participant accepts and agrees that he/she is fully responsible for his/her progress and results and that Company offers no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding Participant’s future earnings, business profits, marketing performance, customer growth, or results of any kind. The Company does not guarantee that Participant will achieve any results using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented at the Program, and nothing in the Program is a promise or guarantee to Participant of such results. Any examples of income earned by others or testimonials about this Program are not meant as a promise or guarantee of Participant’s own earnings or success. You understand that with any business endeavor there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.
