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Navigate your company's million dollar+ trajectory without hustle and grind in the most comprehensive mastermind experience on the market.

with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon and Team

Start Your Transformation Today

This is your opportunity to join the ULTIMATE all-in-one business scale program to position you to make the Move to Millions® faster than you could on your own. 

I know what it feels like to get your business to a major milestone AND


something is missing

You did it.

You have a $400,000 (or more) business.

Can you please tell me why the heavens haven’t opened; the sea hasn’t parted and the thought that getting your business this far doesn’t fill you with joy and contentment? 

Because you and I both know that your low multi-six figure a year business, albeit “good”, isn’t a true reflection of your gifts, talents and results you provide your clients. 

As a result, you find yourself working more and striving harder but not seeing the income and impact you know is possible, let alone the SPACE to breathe and take in all you’ve already accomplished.

You know how to make money and create transformation.
You are already successful; your success isn’t the question.

The question is how do you turn your success into millions of dollars per year in revenue AND profit by MASTERING the core areas of your business and becoming the CEO so that it serves you financially AND spiritually and you don’t have to work as hard as you do now? 

The question is how do you make the poignant mindset and body shifts that will allow you to shift the way you see yourself and money? 

The question is where is the team you have been dreaming and praying about AND the systems required to scale your business with grace and ease so you can FINALLY become the CEO of your own company and stop being the bottleneck in your business?

The question is when will scaling your business stop feeling so miserable, testing your relationships (and faith) and forcing you to question whether or not you STILL want to have a million dollar company?

OR BETTER YET, the question is how can you avoid the messy middle altogether?! 

If these are the questions you’re pondering right now, you’re in the right place.


And you can't make this shift alone.

We have been
responsible for


just like yours.

 the millions messy middle is the chaotic corridor between $400,000 – $1,000,000. 

Navigating it requires investing in unparalleled leadership, transformational consulting and following a proven process that will result in a company that sells, makes, moves, profits and will leave millions.

Right here is where companies are created and CEOs are born.


Your MOVE starts when you streamline everything...​

Streamline your core strategy around messaging & marketing. ​

Streamline your high end offer suite.

Streamline your financial management.

Streamline your sales infrastructure.

Streamline your support team.

Streamline your systems and operations.

Once you do, you can continue to build your team and deepen your leadership skills while tightening your success mindset, establishing self care and spiritual practices that honor who God called you to be. All of this is the key to sustainable business systems that allow you to increase your sales and revenue without having to be present.

I get it.  The Millions Messy Middle is an up-leveling and up-leveling is not for the faint at heart! I still remember when I hit this major milestone in my business but felt like I was STILL pushing a boulder uphill… No matter what I tried, I felt stuck in the messy middle of where I was and not where I desired to be. I quickly realized that I was focused on the wrong things and that was delaying my move to the next income bracket in my business. 

Today, I run a multi-million dollar twice INC. 5000 RECOGNIZED company with a powerful team giving me the freedom to “show up and shake it” and I have SUSTAINED it for more than 5 YEARS!

Making millions shouldn’t feel like you have to be working 24/7 to hit your goal. 

This is your opportunity to walk into your million dollar company with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind just like me and our clients have. 

You should be NEXT...

Introducing the

proximity, The Move to Millions Mastermind
is exactly what you and your team have been praying for

To make sure that we are on the same page, PROXIMITY is for established business owners who KNOW that they are on the verge of stepping into their divine destiny, a 7 figure company. When you enroll to work with us, we will equip you to navigate the messy middle with confidence, courage and commitment. You’ll deepen your connection to God while you develop and/or tighten your Million Dollar Assets™ and scale a company you can be proud of to and beyond the million dollar mark. And you'll do it with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.


Listen to me: Darnyelle is the TRUTH. The GOAT. I just enrolled and I already had a six-figure WEEK. 7 days in. Darnyelle is brilliant. When I worked with her in 2019, I had my highest month ever (then) immediately following our session. This is my MOVE to Millions year. It can be yours too.

Julia Winston

CEO, Brave Leadership Consulting


Working with Darnyelle has been a game changer for me! Strategy–tight. Sales–tight. Systems–tight. Support team–tight. In the last year, I’ve crossed a major threshold and now I’m a million-dollar CEO! Darnyelle is the GOAT, and I’m telling you: your life will NEVER be the same if you get into her space!


CEO, The Real Estate Reset

AN ADDITIONAL $250K AND we’re just getting started

Before joining the Move to Millions Mastermind with Darnyelle my annual revenue was almost $500K, and I thought I had made it. After some coaching, new strategies that I had never thought of, and opening my eyes to the true value I was bringing to the table, we’ve already added an additional $250K to the business and we have a plan to cross the Million Dollar Marker. The Mastermind has also helped to support me in onboarding my second full time employee! If you have reached a level in your business that most aspire to but you know that there is MORE available to you, you need this community to help you to solidify your next milestone and continue to change your life.

Paul Jervey

CEO, Jervey Genesis Solutions


Before hiring Darnyelle, we had an idea to capitalize on our expertise in the form of consulting. Due to Darnyelle’s insight, strategy and coaching, that idea became a solid six figure business in just one year. We upgraded to the highest level of access to Darnyelle and we’ve watched our revenues grow to more than $1,000,000 (including our first ever nearly $100,000 month)! Today, we have employees, a growing brand and a true business. Every time Darnyelle gives us a strategy, we make more money. We’ve even had a nearly $100,000 month! If you’re ready to turn your idea into income and a business that serves you, you need to hire Darnyelle, period.”


Co-CEOs, Keep Selling Property

In proximity, the Move to Millions Mastermind,
we keep things simple.

Our clients are already successful in business. They are looking to tighten the core areas of their company. They are looking to become leaders that scale a company.  If you have gotten your business to a place that most would be excited about, BUT you’re still working way too hard, you need to make some powerful SHIFTS to get your business on the trajectory to millions. Likely you are the only service provider that your clients rely on for results, so you’re juggling working IN and working ON your business. At this point, if you don’t hire a strong team (and tighten your other assets) you will burn out before you cash out. 

It’s time to up-level your signature offer and pinnacle client while you introduce leverage and start scaling up your revenue so that you generate more than necessary to expand your team without compromising your values and you are free to do only the parts of your business that you love because you have the right team that understands, produces, supports and loves your mission and vision.

Moving your business to the million dollar mark isn’t for a select few. It is for you too, you just need to guidance during your messy middle. Our program has been instrumental in our clients doubling, tripling and quadrupling their business in 12-36 months while streamlining a powerful foundation to sustain and scale without having to hustle and grind or sacrifice their faith, family, freedom or fun in the process. 

Here's what's included in the

you and your team get access to our elite team of coaches

in these areas:


Life & Mindset





Tech & Automation

Facebook Ads

This company Program Includes:

  • Detailed business assessment for all 7 areas of your company
  • Customized Company Move to Millions Roadmap 
  • Twice monthly group laser  coaching and KPI review sessions
  • Quarterly 3-day business building implementation retreats (2 Live and 2 Virtual)
  • Access to the module vault for you and your team 
  • Quarterly private strategy calls with a business advisor 
  • As needed private life & mindset coaching support
  • Private Facebook Community access 
  • Work reviews/audits of everything you create
  • Support hosting your live and virtual events
  • And a host of other critical business scaling support for you and your team 


Once you enroll, we give you a CUSTOMIZED roadmap to your million dollar company – curated with your business and your uniqueness in mind. 



Before working with Darnyelle, I was enjoying the fruits of running a ½ million dollar business. I’m good at what I do and I help my clients get great results. In working with Darnyelle, I realized what was missing: I struggled with the mindsets that kept me getting out of my own way long enough to create a plan and take massive actions in my business. Just a month or so into my work with Darnyelle, I experienced a massive shift mentally and got into action. As a result, I built my pipeline to more than $40,000,000 and grew my revenue to $1,500,000! I’ve worked with other coaches who didn’t really understand business and so working with Darnyelle has been so refreshing. My business is on a trajectory of growth, my mindset is focused on abundance and I am just getting started. If you’re ready to up-level your mindset, business acumen and results, you should be working with Darnyelle.


CEO, ITMC Solutions


It’s been an amazing experience working with Darnyelle! In my first year I grew from $100,000 to $250,000, and in this second year, I’ve grown my business to a million with her guidance and support! I even had my first-ever $100,000 month by working with Darnyelle. And, my business is profitable! You can’t tell me that she isn’t brilliant. She knows and teaches real business. As an attorney, her strategies are just as powerful for me as they are for her other clients and I’m loving every minute of what we have built together.

Why should you hire Darnyelle? That’s easy… when people come into her space, they make more money PLUS increase their confidence, commitment and community. She is incredible and I am so grateful that I made the investment.”

Nancy Greene



Being part of the Move to Millions Mastermind has been amazing! Before working with IFU, I was at $250,000 but was just an entrepreneur. Darnyelle and the team shifted me to CEO – I’m building my team, stepping fully into being the CEO and we just had our first million dollar year! In fact, we celebrated our best quarter ever and hit this milestone while I was away from the business and my team didn’t miss a beat! I highly recommend this mastermind if you want to truly build a company that impacts and generates millions and shows you how to have time for yourself and what matters most.”


CEO, Hearst Home Team


Before working with Darnyelle I had a solid multiple six figure business and I knew that millions were on the horizon for me. Crossing the million dollar mark wouldn’t have been possible without Darnyelle and the IFU Coaching team. From the moment I’ve stepped into this powerful community, I’ve been up leveled in so many ways. With the teams help we experienced a $300,000 launch right away and went on to host my first event and generate $620,000 in three days! I’ve hired full time employees and am consistently stepping up my CEO leadership game. Their input has been both invaluable and immeasurable. The coaching, community and safe space Darnyelle creates is unmatched. I’m so grateful.”


CEO, EJT Education Group


is for you if:

By all accounts your business has been successful. You aren’t broke or broken. And although you already have success, you know that there is a NEW level of success you need support ushering into your life and business


You’ve built your business to the $400,000+ mark the hard way…filled with broken or non-existent systems, hustle, grind, overwhelm and stress…you KNOW there’s got to be a better way

You’re not just starting and need elevated support to achieve scaling to and sustaining a 7 figure company that serves you financially and spiritually


You are 100% confident that you are called to MILLIONS but you have been challenged to unlock the millions on your own 

 You know that scaling your business is about more than marketing and sales (but you want some guidance tightening them too)


You have a small team (you and 1-2 team members) YET it’s not functioning cohesively, and you’re ready to tighten and streamline your operations so that you can get back to spending precious time with loved ones, self-care and your sanity (this is the messy middle)


You need support navigating the millions messy middle so that you don’t cut off your hair or burn your business down


You’re tired of being the bottleneck in your business (even though you have a small team) and you’re ready to build a productive and profitable team to expand your brand, fulfill your mission and establish your legacy


You’re looking for a safe space to work on you, the whole CEO… mind, body, spirit and your WHOLE business


You are ready for a life and business coaching and consulting community & experience like nothing else in the marketplace


You have the time and energy to focus on taking the next one to three years to strategically and sustainably build a million-dollar company that gives you the freedom to be your best self, the leadership skills to build a stellar team and the income to change the trajectory of your future generations.


You’re ready to tighten your customer journey from start to finish


You’re committed to streamlining every area of your company so that you serve your clients well and give yourself the space to build a company you can be proud of

Making a multi five-figure investment in yourself and business right now is not a financial stretch for you


If you are vigorously nodding your head “yes”


(it's different here)
Investment: $39,000 Paid In Full


I’ve been working with Darnyelle for two years at this point and when I first met her, I was a mess! Charging too low, unorganized, fearful and unclear how I could really make the kind of money I desire in my business. Since hiring Darnyelle, I’ve stepped into my place as a high end designer, charging five and six figures for my design work and no shortage of clients. I’ve more than doubled my business and I am just getting started. Because Darnyelle is a strategist she helps me think high level and offers insights and actions that move the needle in my business. Now I have a team supporting me! I’m not a solopreneur anymore! But the change in me is much more than the money I’ve earned. I’m confident, I’m clear and I’m building a team to support my business – none of which would have happened had it not been for Darnyelle coming into my life. I’m beyond grateful and forever changed. Darnyelle is so much more than a business coach/consultant. She’s a life changer. If you want to change your life (and grow your business in the process) hire Darnyelle. You’re worth the investment!”


CEO, Kim Kendall Interiors


After 4 years, I finally took the leap to join IFU. Fear kept me from taking the leap to experience my NEXT LEVEL Everything. However on New Year’s Day, I reached out to Darnyelle after a Clubhouse session and said “I’m ready to get going!”

Before working with Darnyelle, I was already running a successful business with “decent” months but I had NEVER created a 6-figure quarter. Within 90 days of becoming a client, my sales increased $74K (191%) over the prior year same period. I had struggled with getting my ideal clients at higher rates on my own. In less than 75 days of joining IFU, I closed my first 7-figure client! I attribute this success to listening and taking action immediately. Darnyelle and her team shared areas for improvement and I worked on implementing the recommendations – changing my messaging to attract my ideal paying clients, releasing fear, and shifting my mindset (beliefs).

Every successful business owner needs a leader, coach and mentor. If you’re serious about changing the trajectory of your business and living the life of a CEO, then I encourage you to have a discussion with Darnyelle. The investment is worth the outcome!”


CEO, My Financial Home Enterprises


Before working with Darnyelle, I was an attorney new to private practice and I was making my way with early success. I knew that I would need help to get to my next level. I was not clear how to position my brand and create a marketing message and strategy that would allow me to work with my ideal clients and build a professional speaking career.

In the two years I have been working with Darnyelle, I have grown my business into a solid multiple six-figure business. I’m closing clients at higher rates and building a powerful team to support me. Working with Darnyelle is about so much more than my business growth, she’s changing my life in every way. I love everything about IFU. If you are an attorney or small business owner who feels that you don’t need help with branding and marketing, you are wrong. You need an expert like Darnyelle to show you exactly how to get out there in a way that allows you leverage to serve more clients and earn more income in your industry.”


CEO, Law Offices of Lakisha Dean


Before becoming an Incredible Factor University client and working with Darnyelle, I was a great speaker but I was not a well paid one. Darnyelle showed me how to monetize my message. What I continue to be impressed by is the fact that Darnyelle’s not just a marketing coach, she’s a proven business leader who understands business and teaches others, including me, how to build viable businesses.

Her expertise has changed my life in so many ways. in addition to showing me how to monetize my message to make more money speaking, she helped me understand my value. With her help, I closed a multi-six figure client. I’m forever up-leveled! If you want to make more money, come into Darnyelle’s space, she does after all grow businesses, period.”


CEO, Star Consulting, LLC

 Access the proven formula to scale your business with a community of high achieving, like-minded service-based business owners who are incredibly focused on shaking the planet and strutting in significance. For the first time maybe ever, you’ll be working on yourself and your business together. You’ll be standing boldly in your anointing while you accelerate your abundance. PROXIMITY isn’t about launching constantly and working harder; it’s about spiritual alignment, soul significance, streamlined systems, grace and ease, leadership and consistent growth on your own terms.


This is the BEST, most life-changing community I have ever been a part of. Before working with Darnyelle, my business was already successful but I knew that there was more success waiting for me. I’ve seen power shifts in every area of my life. And if that’s not enough,  my first ever 3-day event generated $305,000 in sales!  In 3 days I made more than I did all of last year.  Working with Darnyelle has been a life and game changer for me.  If you’re desiring to grow your six figure business toward the million dollar mark, you need the Move to Millions Mastermind!”

Dr Shamieka Dean

CEO, Shamieka Dean Enterprises

Working with the IFU Team has been instrumental in my million dollar company.

Before working with Darnyelle, I already had a business that I was proud of.  I knew that more was available for me to get to my next level. Darnyelle is the GOAT! She’s helped me grow my business, hold profitable events and step into the role of CEO for my company. In working with her, I’ve more than quadrupled my revenue and over two years, her coaching and insights have assisted me in making more than a million dollars in sales and revenue. I’m forever grateful for Darnyelle in my life and business.”




I can’t say enough about the support from Incredible Factor University. Even though I have a team of people around me, that’s totally different from having a support network of other entrepreneurs around me, as well as a mentor and coaches who are guiding me throughout my business journey.

I’m now able to make time for myself without the guilt. When we’re passionate about what we do, it’s easy to get consumed with work. I’m finally able to take time off (ie. vacation with kids) without slaving to my business. Even though last year was my biggest year to date, I actually did more in the way of taking care of myself and spending time with my kids that I hadn’t done in the years prior.”

Dr. Pamela Ellis

CEO, Compass Education


Before working with Darnyelle and the IFU coaching team I was doing well in my business.  Within this community, now I am doing amazing things.  I love it here.  The community, the coaching and the support is top-notched.  In one year in the Mastermind, I made the move to millions and this community is the reason. The content, coaching and guidance is unparalleled. 

And access to the Leverage & Scale Enrollment Events course was a true game changer to produce my first live event and more than $500,000 in sales.”


CEO, God & Goals

With our team of strategic advisors, you'll

  • Navigate the millions messy middle
  • Nail your STREAMLINED strategy (packaging, pricing, positioning, promoting)
  • Master your chosen sales tool (think leveraging your sales so you close more clients at one time)
  • Build the right team, the right way
  • Build the right business infrastructure and streamline your systems
  • Work on YOU, the Whole CEO
  • Become a leader that impacts and inspires

To Move to Millions, you need:

  • The right strategy that is simple, sustainable and scalable
  • The right sales suite to create large cash injections quickly in your business so that scaling and building your team is EASY
  • Easy to implement tools for systems and support
  • Access to the right strategists and coaches every week
  • Full circle support and accountability
  • Mastery of the spiritual principles that govern your abundance

This Mastermind DELIVERS everything you need to Move to Millions in the next 12-36 months.


I was proud of my business before coming to work with Darnyelle and team. Since being here, I have had so many successes! This community is everything. I am tightening my offers, messaging and sales. I just had my first ever $100,000 WEEK. Week and I doubled my business in my first year enrolled to $500K! This is only the beginning. Every call, every strategy is shifting the way I grow my company to the million dollar mark.”

Jayden Doye

CEO, Prestige Accounting


Before working with Darnyelle, I was limping along trying to hit my first ever $100K month. Because I am enrolled in the Move to Millions Mastermind, I had access to Darnyelle and her brilliant strategies and as a result, I grew my business to the $500,000 mark in one year! Every time I walk into a room inside of this community, I walk away with more money in my bank account. I still can’t believe that I DOUBLED my former salary as a pharmacist in just 14 days!”


CEO, Short Term Gems


Before earning with Darnyelle I was stuck at $250,000 as a result of being in the mastermind and working directly with Darnyelle and team I’ve more than tripled my business. Every time I work with Darnyelle and her team, I emerge as a better woman, leader and CEO.”


CEO, Inlera Health


Before working with Darnyelle, my real estate brokerage was doing well but I knew that I should be making way more in my business. As a real estate agent, I wasn’t sure if I could make money outside of my industry until Darnyelle helped me create my coaching offer suite. I just closed my first $100,000 coaching client! You need to get into this mastermind. I am renewing for my second year – it’s been too good to walk away!”


CEO, K I & Associates

With the help of this powerful mastermind and community, you’ll set up your… Million Dollar Strategy, Million Dollar Sales Tools, Million Dollar Systems and Million Dollar Support while constantly elevating your Million Dollar Mindset and Million Dollar Self-Care!

This program boasts a life changing encounter with the Incredible Factor University coaching team, which includes award-winning spiritual business growth strategist and multimillionaire business mentor, Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon plus a group of talented coaches in every specialty you need AND your multiple six figure advancing business owner peers.

Our business scaling program is filled with planet-shaking entrepreneurs, many of whom who hold advanced degrees and designations (MD, PhD, JD, CPA, etc.), profitably impacting the world in their own right.

The program is backed by a safe space for purpose-driven business owners to become all that God has ALREADY approved them to be in every area of their life – you’ll be a better version of yourself, a better spouse, parent, leader AND, you’ll be supported to BECOME all of that while building a business that shakes the planet and profitably impacts the world! This program is about REAL Business growth as you take your place as the CEO of a company while experiencing personal fulfillment at every turn.

Part of the reason our clients are so successful is because we don’t just appeal to the CEO in you, we appeal to the faith-based, purpose-filled, mission-driven spouse, parent and spiritual being you are… And that means that you’ll become the best version of yourself while you welcome Next Level Everything™ into your life experience.

To begin the process of becoming a Proximity Move to Millions Mastermind client,

Frequently Asked Questions

When you meet with Darnyelle or a coach on the team they will share your program enrollment investment options with you. 

You’ll be able to choose a 12-month ot 36-month enrollment option.

Darnyelle is the lead coach in this program.  You’ll be supported by our life, business and expert office hours coaches.  Darnyelle leads all retreats and two calls per month.   Each coach has been meticulously trained by Darnyelle on our proven framework. so you’re always in good hands 

This program was created for companies that have crossed the $400,000 mark in business. Because of the fast-moving curriculum and approach to radically transforming your life and business, we require that you are already a successful business owner on the trajectory to millions.  

On a case by case basis, Darnyelle offers private consulting via VIP Days, which start at $50,000. To be considered for a VIP Day, please apply here.

The clients that we’ve worked with who have experienced the most success are done making excuses and ready to take consistent action. They are coachable, teachable, and open to finding a way to move their life and business forward. They show up for themselves and they do the work. Their why for making millions is clear and they are committed to getting into and staying in alignment.

Absolutely not! Everything about your life will be different as a result of our work together . Well maybe except your name (since you were born with that). You’ll be a better spouse, parent, sibling, friend, and CEO. We focus on the money for two reasons: 1.) Until you get comfortable being honest about the fact that you want way more of it and you stop giving it the power it currently has, you won’t bring more of it until your life experiences change and 2.) As entrepreneurs we are in business to solve problems for a profit. You have to get comfortable with that. But by no means will you start “chasing it”. We are going to teach you to chase alignment instead and watch abundance in its fullness completely overtake you and show up as consistent six figure months.

In our opinion, businesses with a spiritual foundation go farther faster. While we are certainly not going to force or coerce you to develop a personal relationship with God if you don’t already enjoy one (this isn’t about religion), we are going to show the PROVEN spiritual principles that will bring all that you desire into view. As with anything, you have the right to apply your own language to everything that we share (God, Spirit, Source, Universe). God is not offended by being recognized in these ways so neither are we! We speak in spiritual language purposely so that anyone of any religion can feel comfortable learning how to apply the abundance God created us to enjoy and see it manifest in every area of their lives.

Make sure you’ve watched the overview video at the top of this page – we answer most questions in that. If you still have questions, please book your call using the link below and we’ll be glad to answer all your questions!

Meet your lead Move to Millions Consultant and Multi-Millionaire CEO Mentor


Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon is the CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, a multi-million dollar coaching and consulting brand. Best known for transforming the lives of her business coaching clients, Darnyelle equips her clients to leverage and scale businesses that serve them financially and spiritually. From mindset to messaging, marketing, sales, systems and scale, Darnyelle can take you from six figures to seven figures in record time all while deepening your connection to God and strengthening your faith.

Darnyelle is an award-winning CEO, speaker, consultant and strategist whose work has been featured in Inc., Essence, Success, Forbes, Black Enterprise and O Magazines. She is a best-selling author with 7 books to her credit, including her latest projects Burn the Box: 7 Fire Starter Strategies Leaders Can Leverage and Market Like a R.O.C.K. Star. In 2012, she was named Coach of the Year by Stiletto Woman Media and in 2013, she was recognized as a Small Business Champion by Small Business Trends. In 2018, she was awarded the Women Presidents Organization’s Women of Color Excellence Award and she joined the $1MM class of Enterprising Women of the Year. In 2019, Darnyelle was named the Black CEO of the Year and was a finalist for the eWomenNetwork Made It to a Million Award. In 2021, she was awarded with an honorary doctorate in entrepreneurship.  In 2022, her company was recognized as a fastest growing company by Inc. 5000 in the 1209th place.  In 2023, her company was recognized as a fastest growing company by Inc.5000 in the 1103rd place. 

Darnyelle has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Delaware, a Masters of Business Administration from Goldey Beacom College, a Kolbe Specialist Certification from the Kolbe Corporation, an Executive Coaching Certification from the Center for Executive Coaching and a prophetic anointing from God.

Legal and Financial Disclaimer: Our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials are not to be perceived or relied upon in any way as business, financial or legal advice. The information provided through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice that can be provided by your own accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor. We are not giving financial or legal advice in any way. You are hereby advised to consult with your own accountant, lawyer or financial advisor for any and all questions and concerns you have regarding your own income and taxes pertaining to your specific financial and/or legal situation. You agree that we are not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials. You are solely responsible for your results.

Earnings Disclaimer: You acknowledge that we have not and do not make any representations as to the health physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or health benefits, future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in this Program, Product, Services or Program Materials. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results. Participant accepts and agrees that he/she is fully responsible for his/her progress and results and that Company offers no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding Participant’s future earnings, business profits, marketing performance, customer growth, or results of any kind. The Company does not guarantee that Participant will achieve any results using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented at the Program, and nothing in the Program is a promise or guarantee to Participant of such results. Any examples of income earned by others or testimonials about this Program are not meant as a promise or guarantee of Participant’s own earnings or success. You understand that with any business endeavor there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.
