Mother, May I?

This episode is powered by the Breakthrough in Business Experience happening this May 21-24 in Wilmington, DE. If you’re tired of sitting in struggle and ready to strut in significance, visit to learn more.

When we were children, we had to get permission to do everything. But more often than not, even though we are adults we are still seeking approval or permission to take the steps we most want to take to grow our businesses and live our best lives. In this episode, I tackle the reason head on and more importantly I share how to break the pattern so that you can build a business that serves you. If you’ve ever struggled with living for yourself and your business has suffered, you’re gonna want to listen to this one over and over.

Listen in to discover:

  • The top 3 reasons why we seek validation outside of ourselves
  • 7 things you must do to give yourself permission
  • 10 ways to live the daily practice of giving yourself permission
  • How seeking permission from others shows up in your business

“9 times out of 10, in order to give yourself permission you’ll have to let go of something or someone who is no longer serving you.”Click to Tweet

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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those.

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