and congratulations!

Welcome to our Move to Millions Retreat!

You’ve taken a huge step toward taking your company to multiple 6 or 7 figures and to becoming the Million Dollar CEO you’re meant to be.

We're excited to meet you!

Important Next Steps:

Step One

Schedule your Onboarding Call. Our team would like to welcome you and walk you through what to expect from the retreat and the MOVE to Millions Mastermind.

Step Two

Make sure you can receive our emails.
Add [email protected] to your email contacts to ensure our e-mails and retreat reminders make it to your inbox. If you use Gmail or another email platform with a “Promotions” folder, make sure you drag our e-mails into your primary inbox, so you don’t miss the latest on leverage and scaling your business.

Step Three

Complete the Retreat Guest Business Assessment. In order for our team to maximize your retreat experience, we’d love to get to know you and your business.

Please complete this business assessment as soon as you can. It will take about 20-30 minutes.

our clients


Below are results from REAL clients. No one is EVER compensated in any way for what they write. We’ve had the pleasure of working with some amazing entrepreneurs at every stage of development. They were coach-able, committed and consistent. Being all three makes the difference in their results. We LOVE showing clients how to tap into their God-given power to create wealth and how to do it while working heartily, not hard. Our clients are creating businesses that serve them. We’d love the same for you.

*Click the squares below to read our clients’ success stories

Nancy Greene,


“It’s been an amazing experience working with Darnyelle! In my first year I grew from $100,000 to $250,000, and in this second year, I’ve grown my business to ½ a million with her guidance and support! I even had my first-ever $100,000 month by working with Darnyelle. And, my business is profitable! You can’t tell me that she isn’t brilliant. She knows and teaches real business. As an attorney, her strategies are just as powerful for me as they are for her other clients and I’m loving every minute of what we’ve built together.

Why should you hire Darnyelle? That’s easy… when people come into her space, they make more money PLUS increase their confidence, commitment and community. She is Incredible and I am so grateful that I made the investment.”

Sheyla Blackman,
ITMC Solutions & Goverment contractor Coach


“Before working with Darnyelle, I was enjoying the fruits of running a ½ million dollar business. I’m good at what I do and I help my clients get great results. In working with Darnyelle, I realized what was missing: I struggled with the mindsets that kept me getting out of my own way long enough to create a plan and take massive actions in my business. Just a month or so into my work with Darnyelle, I experienced a massive shift mentally and got into action. As a result, I built my pipeline to more than $40,000,000 and grew my revenue to $1,500,000! I’ve worked with other coaches who didn’t really understand business and so working with Darnyelle has been so refreshing. My business is on a trajectory of growth, my mindset is focused on abundance and I am just getting started. If you’re ready to up-level your mindset, business acumen and results, you should be working with Darnyelle.”

Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis,
Executive Women's Success Institue

"I grew my business to $1 MILLION after attending Darnyelle's Strategic Biz Retreat!"

“Before working with Darnyelle, I had been in my business for six years and I was making money, but I knew that I was not at the level of income that I should be based on my expertise and what I offer in the marketplace. Enter Darnyelle Jervey Harmon and her Strategic Biz Retreat. For two full days, I was able to work with Darnyelle to create a focused, customized plan to grow my business. She helped me get clear on my audience and offerings. Attending that retreat truly changed the trajectory of my business. As a result of implementing the plan we created during the retreat, I grew my business to seven figures! And, I was just awarded the Enterprising Women of the Year Award as a $1M business! This award and the success of my business are definitely as a result of working directly with Darnyelle. She helped me find and focus on the holes and plug them with sustainable strategies and systems. If you know you have holes in your business and you want help plugging them profitably, attend Darnyelle’s Strategic Biz Retreat or work with her in another way, you’ll be so grateful that you did!” 

"I grew my business to $1 MILLION after attending Darnyelle's Strategic Biz Retreat!"

“Before working with Darnyelle, I had been in my business for six years and I was making money, but I knew that I was not at the level of income that I should be based on my expertise and what I offer in the marketplace. Enter Darnyelle Jervey Harmon and her Strategic Biz Retreat. For two full days, I was able to work with Darnyelle to create a focused, customized plan to grow my business. She helped me get clear on my audience and offerings. Attending that retreat truly changed the trajectory of my business. As a result of implementing the plan we created during the retreat, I grew my business to seven figures! And, I was just awarded the Enterprising Women of the Year Award as a $1M business! This award and the success of my business are definitely as a result of working directly with Darnyelle. She helped me find and focus on the holes and plug them with sustainable strategies and systems. If you know you have holes in your business and you want help plugging them profitably, attend Darnyelle’s Strategic Biz Retreat or work with her in another way, you’ll be so grateful that you did!”


“It’s been an amazing experience working with Darnyelle! In my first year I grew from $100,000 to $250,000, and in this second year, i’ve grown my business to a million with her guidance and support! I even had my first-ever $100,000 month by working with Darnyelle. And, my business is profitable! You can’t tell me that she isn’t brilliant. She knows and teaches real business. As an attorney, her strategies are just as powerful for me as they are for her other clients and i’m loving every minute of what we have built together.

Why should you hire Darnyelle? Than’s easy… when people come into her space, they make more money PLUS increase their confidence, commitment and community. She is incredible and I am so grateful that I made the investment.”


“Before working with Darnyelle, I was enjoying the fruits of running a ½ million dollar business. I’m good at what I do and I help my clients get great results. In working with Darnyelle, I realized what was missing: I struggled with the mindsets that kept me getting out of my own way long enough to create a plan and take massive actions in my business. Just a month or so into my work with Darnyelle, I experienced a massive shift mentally and got into action. As a result, I built my pipeline to more than $40,000,000 and grew my revenue to $1,500,000! I’ve worked with other coaches who didn’t really understand business and so working with Darnyelle has been so refreshing. My business is on a trajectory of growth, my mindset is focused on abundance and I am just getting started. If you’re ready to up-level your mindset, business acumen and results, you should be working with Darnyelle.”

Meet our Founder,


Darnyelle Jervey Harmon is the CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, a multi-million dollar coaching and consulting brand. Best known for transforming the lives of her business coaching clients, Darnyelle equips her clients to leverage and scale businesses that serve them financially and spiritually. From mindset to messaging, marketing, sales, systems and scale, Darnyelle can take you from six figures to seven figures in record time all while deepening your connection to God and strengthening your faith.

Darnyelle is an award-winning CEO, speaker, consultant and strategist whose work has been featured in Essence, Success, Black Enterprise and O Magazines. She is a best-selling author with 7 books to her credit, including her latest projects Burn the Box: 7 Fire Starter Strategies Leaders Can Leverage and Market Like a R.O.C.K. Star. In 2012, she was named Coach of the Year by Stiletto Woman Media and in 2013, she was recognized as a Small Business Champion by Small Business Trends. In 2018, she was awarded the Women Presidents Organization’s Women of Color Excellence Award and she joined the $1MM class of Enterprising Women of the Year. In 2019, Darnyelle was named the Black CEO of the Year and was a finalist for the eWomenNetwork Made It to a Million Award. In 2021, Darnyelle was awarded two honorary PhDs in entrepreneurship.

Darnyelle has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Delaware, a Masters of Business Administration from Goldey Beacom College, a Kolbe Specialist Certification from the Kolbe Corporation, an Executive Coaching Certification from the Center for Executive Coaching and a prophetic anointing from God.  

Legal and Financial Disclaimer: Our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials are not to be perceived or relied upon in any way as business, financial or legal advice. The information provided through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice that can be provided by your own accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor. We are not giving financial or legal advice in any way. You are hereby advised to consult with your own accountant, lawyer or financial advisor for any and all questions and concerns you have regarding your own income and taxes pertaining to your specific financial and/or legal situation. You agree that we are not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our Programs, Products, Services, and Program Materials. You are solely responsible for your results.

Earnings Disclaimer: You acknowledge that we have not and do not make any representations as to the health physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or health benefits, future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in this Program, Product, Services or Program Materials. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results. Participant accepts and agrees that he/she is fully responsible for his/her progress and results and that Company offers no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding Participant’s future earnings, business profits, marketing performance, customer growth, or results of any kind. The Company does not guarantee that Participant will achieve any results using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented at the Program, and nothing in the Program is a promise or guarantee to Participant of such results. Any examples of income earned by others or testimonials about this Program are not meant as a promise or guarantee of Participant’s own earnings or success. You understand that with any business endeavor there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.
