Your Networking Secret Weapon: 2 Keys to Go From Boring to Buzzed About

networkingHaving been in and around business for the last 19 years, I tend to believe that there are approximately three ways to market your business that are non-negotiable.

Of the three the one that is the most often misunderstood, hands down, is networking.

People do it every day and sadly most people do it W-R-O-N-G.  Yes, just wrong.  Here are some of the ways that you (and others) are networking wrong.

  1. You arrive at the event and head straight for the buffet line or the bar.
  2. You do “mingle”, if you can call it that, but only to make sure that you give everyone your card without even saying hello.  (I call these people business card ninjas, by the way.)
  3. You talk and catch up with people you already know whom never bought, keep buying or have any intentions of referring someone else to buy from you.

These three reasons, which barely scratch the surface of what you’re doing wrong by the way, are exactly why I got excited when Lauren’s question came into

“Hi Darnyelle. I made a commitment to myself and my business to get out from my behind my computer at least once each week so that I can make some new contacts and get in front of potential clients.  So here’s my challenge.  I’ve never been good at networking, so can you share how I should introduce myself for maximum effect?”

See my response to Lauren’s question in this week’s episode of Incredible Factor TV™:

As I share in the episode, the fact that Lauren is getting out from behind her computer is exciting!  Despite all the new ways to meet and get business, networking is a tried and true way that’s been working since its inception.  You see, there’s something about getting close to your prospects that accelerates the sales cycle like no amount of webinars can!

First things first, when you are networking, you need to:

  1. Set a goal for qualified contacts.  A qualified contact is a) those who can hire you right now or b) those who know people who can hire you right now.
  2. Have your power statements prepared.  Seeing as how you only have 4.9 seconds to make an impact and influence another person to consider parting with their income to allow you to help them with their challenge, you have to make it good.

The best way I know of to do that is with your power statement: “I help X do Y so that Z.” 

Here’s an example of a Power Statement:

I help uncompromising entrepreneurs optimize their businesses so that they make their first or next six figures in 9 months or less.

In this statement, X is your Audience of One™, Y is the problem you solve for them (or how you help them), Z is the ultimate goal, transformation, result or experience they get when you help them.

A well-positioned power statement will get you one of two responses:

  • I need your card (or better yet, I need you.)
  • I know someone who needs you.

The other powerful statement that I recommend is your industry leader statement.  This is not what you say upon first meeting someone new because it will have them walk away because it’s much longer, like three to five minutes.  This is what you say when they say, “awesome, tell me how you do that.”

For [Audience of One] we are the leading [category, industry, technical title] that provides [unique benefit] unlike [competitors], we [action verb] [unique differentiator]

Here’s an example of an Industry Leader Statement:

For entrepreneurs, we are the leading business optimization consulting firm that helps them to create and master systems around brand messaging, marketing, sales and operations so they make their first or next six figures in 9 months or less.  Unlike other business consultants, we accelerate the results our clients achieve by focusing on optimization strategies that include a strategic infusion of coaching, consulting and mentoring.

Now I want to hear from you, what’s your two cents?:  How do you introduce yourself at networking events?  What is your response to the “what do you do?”  question?  How can you add value to Lauren as she begins to embark on the world of networking?  I can’t wait to hear your two cents!

In 2015, my mission is to help you Get Positioned. Get Purposeful. Get Profitable.  And, we have two upcoming ways to help make sure this is your most profitable year yet:

Option 1: Join us on our three-city Positioned to Profit Tour.  In this ½ day introductory training, I’m introducing uncompromising entrepreneurs to my Positioned to Profit Blueprint™.  Learn more and secure your seat now:

Option 2: Want a deeper dive into EXACTLY what you need to achieve profit in your business?  Join us for our 3-day training experience, Unleash Your Incredible Factor Live May 20-22, 2015 in Wilmington, DE just outside of Philadelphia.  Our 2015 theme is Positioned to Profit and we will be walking you step-by-step through the blueprint that has helped our solo-preneur clients earn $3,000,000 in the last 12 months leveraging the system. Get the details:

©2015 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.

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