One Sure-Fire Way to Increase Your Business Confidence

If you were to survey 100 entrepreneurs and ask them what they felt the key to attracting and closing more clients was, they’d all say something different. I’m of the belief that most would say, the skill of selling is the key to closing clients. While others would assert that closing clients comes from listening to their needs and offering the solution they are looking for. A few who are brave would even say that the key to attracting and closing more clients is strategic and includes ensuring that confidence is a part of the strategy.

I would have to agree that all of them would be correct; but, I personally believe the biggest thing that makes the difference is confidence. It’s true. If you are good at sales, you have a certain “air” or confidence about your product or service. If you are able to listen to a prospect’s needs and share the most effective solution for them, it’s because you are confident that you know what they need. And, when you are confident, your strategy naturally aligns to get you the ultimate result, a new client.

Sadly, many women entrepreneurs struggle with their confidence, especially when it comes to being competitive in the marketplace. And this lack of confidence costs them clients and income. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Any women entrepreneur can increase her confidence naturally in a way that helps her to stand out when speaking with a prospect. And the increase starts by thinking a different thought.

Most entrepreneurs are visionaries – that means they are able to see the future despite obstacles that may present themselves. And being a visionary is a great way to increase your confidence so you build a brand that is strong, confident and bold. ***Note***One way to use your visionary status to your advantage when boosting your business building confidence is to create a visual representation of all that you’ve accomplished.

It’s a fact that when you are able to keep your confidence top of mind for yourself you are able to articulate that confidence more readily when you are having a closing the sale conversation or sharing your products and services with prospective buyers. And when you are confident, you are seen as an expert, a problem solver and most importantly, someone your prospect can trust to fix their situation.

I have several strategies that I recommend for keeping your confidence top of mind. Today, I’d like to share one of my favorites with you: A Wall of Fame. That’s right, a wall of fame. You see, I believe that you need to highlight all of your accomplishments so that no matter what, you realize that you are the ISH and you’ve accomplished some amazing things that others may have talked about but you’ve actually done it.

On my wall of fame, I have the cover of my first book, plaques that I have been awarded, thank you notes from satisfied customers and clients, ribbons and sashes from prizes I earned while in Mary Kay, my college degrees, certificates awarded, etc. These are all reminders of the great things I have done that have helped me to become who I am and they give me confidence.

My personal recommendation is for you to create your own Wall of Fame, and here’s what I recommend that you include:

  1. Your business license (shows that you had the courage to start your dream business)
  2. Any major accomplishments that you have a visual representation of (plaques, certificates, ribbons, degrees)
  3. Copies of your books
  4. Magazines you’ve been featured in
  5. Thank you notes from clients, colleagues, etc
  6. Testimonials and success stories from current and former clients
  7. Anything else that makes you feel good about who you are and the work that you do

Be sure to place your wall of fame in a place where you can see it while working in your office or talking with clients and prospects. And, add to it frequently so that you have a constant reminder of how good you are and why others need to hire you to solve their problems.

©2012 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One, Incredible Factor University® the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurial Business Leaders to Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage” visit


photo credit: Victor1558 via photo pin cc

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