Rewind: The Curse of Engagement

On October 1, I celebrated my 13-year anniversary in business.  I can remember that first year and how it took 9 months to make any money, which subsequently led to bankruptcy. I never thought I’d see this day 13 years later. As a part of my October REWIND series as we prepare to hold Breakthrough in Business Virtual 2020, we are looking back at some of my favorite and most downloaded episodes.

“Need and want are words that separate you from what God desires for you and your business.” –Gabrielle Spencer

About Our Guest: Gabrielle Spencer is the “Practical Spiritualist” and “Heart Harmonizer” who accesses your Soul to heal & clear the blocks & limitations that have kept you from activating your soul’s mission-driven purpose, maximizing your impact in the world & igniting your legacy of personal and professional wealth & abundance.

Gabrielle has been an Ordained Minister since 1999. I love how she makes the spiritual so practical and I know that you are going to be blessed by this conversation. In her own words, she is willing to continue to expand her own horizons (isn’t that so good?!)

Episode Summary: In this powerful episode, Gabrielle and I have a very real conversation about the role that our spirituality plays in every aspect of our lives and how that impacts the way we show up in our business. The truth of the matter is this – nothing is being held back from you ever and if you’re not experiencing it, it’s a matter of attachment. Or, as we discuss in this episode, the curse of attachment. And, if you must attach to anything, let that be only to God. When we are attached to one result or another, we are actually doing our business a big disservice.

Listen in to discover:

  • Why most people are missing God and the manifestation of what He has already earmarked for us because we are rigidly attached
  • The “breadcrumb” moments that position us for big things
  • How the words you use everyday are keeping you from vibrating at a level to bring what you desire into your life and business
  • How your energy impacts even how you show up in email and what you need to do to get better open rates and click through rates
  • The steps any person can take to detach and connect to God and get into divine alignment

Powerful Quotes from the show:

“Your container is way bigger and the ripple is not as harsh.”

“Being rigidly attached to anything will keep you from everything.”

“When we are rigidly attached to anything we think we need or want we detach from God and miss what He wanted for us.”

“As soon as you start thinking you are detaching yourself from God and divine flow”

“God and His universe is actually leading you to the best outcome for your life and business.” –Gabrielle Spencer

“The how is God’s job and if you have to know the how, you’re doing his job.” –Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

“Attachment to any one thing keeps you from all that God has already earmarked for you.” –Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

“Expansion creates exposure.”

“God’s principles work everywhere; Church principles only work in church.” –Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

“If you are in alignment with who God says that you are, you will never be without.”

“If you are chasing money, money is the fastest thing out the door.” –Gabrielle Spencer

“Being in action isn’t the same as being in divine aligned action.” –Gabrielle Spencer

Words that keep you from God and Divine Flow:

Doing, trying, wanting, needing, thinking – when you speak any of these words you are disconnecting from God and divine alignment

Gabrielle’s Incredible Factor Wisdom Questions:

Last book Gabrielle read: She has the “blinkist” app and so she gets the cliff notes version of tons of books. Lots of self-motivation and personal development are on her playlist.

Favorite Quote: “Keep Going. Keep doing what you need to do as long as it resonates with you.”

Tool Gabrielle can’t live without to grow her business:  Her intuition


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Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

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