Shining On in My Stilettos!

In January, I was notified that I was a finalist for the 2012 Stiletto Woman in Business Award in the category of Mentor or Coach of the Year and I was ecstatic.  While I know that I do good work and help my clients grow their businesses in record time, it is so humbling to know that they see you in this light.  So, upon receiving that notification, I made some adjustments to my calendar so that I could attend the awards event, which was being held in Atlanta, GA.  Whether I won or not, as cliche as it sounds, the fact that I was nominated meant that I had already won.  In the eyes of whomever it was that nominated me, I was a winner and I was committed to continuing to let my light shine.

I arrived at the event on Saturday morning ready for a day filled with great speakers and great networking and the day didn’t disappoint.  From the first speaker, Danielle Knox Ross, host of The Balancing Act on Lifetime to the last speaker, Kelly Lynn Adams, each speaker (Antoinette Sykes, Shirley Strawberry, Amy Barnes, Robin Freedman Spizman) added value to the day and dropped some amazing nuggets that the participants and I would remember for a long time.

The event host, Stiletto Media’s CEO Karlena Wallace was a gracious and humble host.  Her energy was amazing and her presence warming.  Each little touch made the day more special.  “I wanted to do something different,” she said in her opening remarks and she did more than that.  She helped the 60 women in attendance forge a bond to do more, be more and have more in their lives and businesses all while rocking the hottest stilettos they could find.  She even presented each speaker with her very own pair of Stilettos courtesy of High Heel Junkie. Her vision for this movement is amazing and I am so grateful to have been a part of her event as an attendee and recipient.

When I think of a woman in stilettos, I see style, I see grace and unparalleled confidence.  I see personal power and belief that lives will be changed because of each step she takes in those stilettos. I see a woman who knows her Incredible Factor and more importantly a woman who is committed to unleashing it every day.  She doesn’t dim her light but in confidence she encourages others to shine own.  I am happy and humbled to join the list of Stiletto Woman in Business Award Recipients and I raise my stilettos to each woman nominated.

Because I am a coach, I can’t miss an opportunity to offer you a few tips that can help you be seen by your clients at the “Of the Year” (insert your title and industry):

1. Stay true to your business vision.  Knowing why you are working hard each day, donning stilettos is important.  It is from our vision that we create a business that will guide many to their best lives. When I started Incredible One Enterprises, LLC I was clear that my business would help women raise their standard of service and be incredible while using their work to help others do the same.  I knew that once they knew what their Incredible Factor was they’d want an effective strategy to define, own, unleash and leverage it. I was clear that because I committed my life to helping women grow successful businesses, more wealth would enter the world and as needed I review my vision so that I stay on purpose and minimize the life distractions that threaten to keep me from my vision.

2. Get clear on the problem you solve and commit to solving that problem for your clients in excellence, no matter what. I believe that if you want to lead you’ve got to give them a reason to follow.  That reason must solve a distinct problem that they’re experiencing right now that is preventing them from leading in an effective way.  And let me be clear, it is not enough to solve a problem, you must be proactive in your solving so that you anticipate their next problem and offer an effective and creative way to solve that one too.  When you do this, you will build clients for life but more importantly, you will create and leave a legacy that speaks to the work that you do without you having to say a word.

3. When others tell you no, keep strutting.  Being a successful woman in business is not going to always be easy.  People will tell you no, mistakes will happen, it’s all par for the course.  But a Stiletto woman keeps walking anyway because she’s on her way somewhere.  She doesn’t have time to stop and pout, there are lives to be changed.  If you keep your vision in view at all times, the walk will be easier even in your stilettos.

Again, I am grateful to hold this honor.  To learn more about Stiletto Media, visit


©2012 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio download “How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients” visit

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