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darnyelle jervey harmon

As a scaling CEO, you face decisions daily—some with high stakes for your business. Should you invest in a new hire? Should you fire an existing team member that's been…...
When you first started your business, you were more than likely the only team member you had. As a result, to get things done, you did what you had to…...
I will be the first to admit that I graduated Magna Cum Laude from "If You Want Something Done Right, Do It Yourself" University. That's code for 'I used to…...
It's a brand-new year and most are “hitting the ground running,” in an effort to lock down big goals and plans that solidify their next level. And while that is…...
As a mid-6-figure CEO scaling toward seven or eight figures, every decision you make has a ripple effect. But here's the truth: the more decisions you have to make, the…...
As a 6-figure CEO on the path to scaling your business to seven or eight figures, energy isn’t just a resource—it’s a strategy. Your ability to lead, make decisions, and…...
When we work with our clients at the start of the year, we walk them through these seven steps to ensure they're focused, intentional, and positioned for massive growth. As…...
As a small business owner, you already know that success rides on choosing software and systems that provide the most bang for your buck. Just as you wear many hats…...
This episode is powered by the Breakthrough in Business Experience happening this May 21-24 in Wilmington, DE. If you’re tired of sitting in struggle and ready to strut in significance,…...
This episode is powered by the Breakthrough in Business Experience happening this May 21-24 in Wilmington, DE. If you’re tired of sitting in struggle and ready to strut in significance,…...

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