“If God didn’t have to rescue you, what else could He do in your life?” –Tai Goodwin
About Our Guest: Tai Goodwin is the CEO of Profit Momentum and founder of Profit Academy. A firm believer that wealth and spirituality are not mutually exclusive, Tai teaches women how to make bank so they can fund the lifestyle they desire, bring their purpose-based projects to life, and invest in the people and communities that matter to them. A tech-savvy, woo woo, coach and teacher who prefers books over shoes, Tai’s super power is helping clients monetize their expertise by creating, marketing, and selling high-ticket signature programs. The author of Girlfriend, It’s Your Time and co-author of The Profitable Woman’s Playbook, her articles have been featured on The Huffington Post, Forbes.com, Careerealism.com, and CAREER Magazine. Tai has also been highlighted by Money Magazine, Black Enterprise, and The BOSS Network.
Episode Summary: In this powerful episode, Tai and I have a very candid conversation about how flawed religious beliefs keep people shackled to a scarcity mindset. I have to be honest, you might not like what we have to say BUT you need to take every single word in. Tai and I share how moving from religion to relationship has made the difference in how our lives bring us abundance financially and spiritually. Remember that we are created in the image and likeness of God, which is WHY we ARE worthy and we DO deserve it. Further, when we move from religion and build a relationship with God spiritually and begin to see ourselves the way God sees us, our lives will be changed forever and your business (and life) will experience a big breakthrough. Again, while we might ruffle your religious feathers, our prayer is that you walk away with a true vision of how God sees you. And, Tai and I created a roadmap for you to stop being religiously shackled to struggle so that you can start experiencing abundance at the God level. Listen in to discover:
- The 7 steps to go from shackled to significance and abundance
- Why religion will keep you bound to a life you don’t love
- How to live into the abundance that you are entitled to
- How your beliefs are determining your reality
- How making the adjustments we share will show up in your business
- How you’re teaching your clients how to pay you
Powerful Quotes from the show:
“Wealth and spiritually aren’t mutually exclusive.” –Tai Goodwin
“Scarcity mindsets keep ‘believers’ trapped in a reality that is anything but abundance.” –Tai Goodwin
“We teach clients how to pay us.” –Tai Goodwin via Dr Phil “When God gives you something it won’t need batteries.” –Darnyelle Jervey Harmon
“God is principled.” –Darnyelle Jervey Harmon “God is not holding anything back from you.” –Darnyelle Jervey Harmon
“God wants to do more than rescue you. If God didn’t have to rescue you so much what else could He do in your life?” –Tai Goodwin
“The secrets of abundance created in the origin text in the bible isn’t a secret, it’s hidden in plain sight.” –Tai Goodwin
“You have already been given everything you need to go out and create.” –Tai Goodwin
“Create it first and then it shows up.” –Tai Goodwin
The Model of Abundance: who must I be, so that I can do what I do and have what I want to have.
The Model of Lack: what do I have to have so that I can do what I want to do and be who I want to be.
“Boundaries keep things out but they also keep things in.” –Tai Goodwin
“The higher the investment, the more attention your clients will give to your brilliance.” –Tai Goodwin
“People are looking to you to demonstrate what’s possible for them.” –Darnyelle Jervey Harmon
“There are other ways to be a blessing besides giving your services away.” –Tai Goodwin
Questions to ask yourself when you’re experiencing a scarcity mindset:
- Why isn’t everything I’ve heard and been told to believe working?
- What if what I was told wasn’t the key to creating wealth?
- Who gave you the message?
The 7 Steps to Shift From Struggle and Scarcity to Abundance
- Decide that you desire and deserve wealth
- Step boldly into the vision of that decision and see yourself how God sees you
- Create consistently from a space of power – using God’s words “I am”
- Take action; move into the direction of your creation (faith it until you make it)
- Get rid of what doesn’t serve your highest good – the words, the people, – set the boundaries to keep you operating at your highest levels
- Celebrate and find the moments of gratitude
- Give
Tai’s Incredible Factor Wisdom Questions:
Last book Tai read: “Healing: The Radical Act of Self-Care“ by Dr Joy Lewis and “How to Become Money“ by Gary Douglas
Favorite Quote: “God and the Universe is my unlimited and infinite source and I am receiving huge amounts of money under the grace of God for my good and for the good of everyone concerned…” –Jack Canfield
Tool Tai can’t live without to grow her business: Her calendar!
“My name is Tai and because I know God has my back I will continue to shake the planet.”
- “The Secret Code of Success“ by Noah St. John
- Apply for a Discovery Session with Darnyelle’s team
- Six Figure Cash Flow Club
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