Enroll in the “Stocks 101 Course” with my exclusive link and get…

A Complimentary Ticket to Move to Millions Live


Start your investing journey during The Stocks 101 course by Teri Ijeoma and as a bonus you’ll get a complimentary ticket (just pay materials fee of $250) to join us live at Move to Millions 2024 (or 2025 if you’re already coming this year) AND the Make Millions Move Bundle!

Want to Learn To Trade in the Stock Market?

Start investing in the stock market and knowing what companies to pick.

Knowing how to protect yourself from risks and avoid common pitfalls when trading stocks.

Open a trading account and learn the basics of getting started (even if you’re a beginner with no prior experience)

 Get strategic and plan your way to success, to minimize risk and don’t lose money (you’ll practice your skills on a Simulator, i.e. you’ll trade with fake money, build your confidence before you make the leap to live trading)

Create a comprehensive trading plan and an exit strategy that are aligned with your income goals 

Make active investing for income a reality without losing sleep, money, and your mind!

Good news. That’s exactly what you will learn in the Stocks 101 Course with Teri!

Plus, you can join me LIVE at my annual live event just for investing in yourself through this powerful course!! 

Meet Teri

“I’m a former elementary school assistant principal, turned full-time trader.

My passions include: learning, traveling the world, and of course, homemade mac-n-cheese. My background in education, combined with lived experience as a trader, has allowed me to reach millions of people across the globe. I’ve personally taken over 35,000 students under my wings to teach them how to trade with confidence, strategy, and intention. Once a teacher, always a teacher!

I believe this calling has been placed on my heart for a reason! We all start somewhere. It’s my mission to empower as many people as I can to make their first trade, and start building a life of passion, purpose, freedom and adventure.”

(And get 90 days access to the Make Millions Move Bundle)

When you enroll in The Stocks 101 Course with Teri , I'll send you a link to redeem a complimentary ticket to Move to Millions Live happening May 22-24, 2024 in Herndon VA ($1,998 value - just pay the $250 materials fee). Plus, you'll get my Make Millions Move Bundle

The Make Millions Move Bundle includes:​



90-day access to three (3) powerful trainings to help you make the shifts required to collapse time between money infusions

  • The Paradigm Shifts That Make Millions Move
  • Embodying The Millionaire in You
  • 5 Moves That Will Mess With Your Millions 



  • You’ll receive daily declarations to realign your money beliefs and a companion audio. Record your declaration(s) over this audio and listen to it daily.
  • Resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness.
  • 528Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom and spiritual abundance of God, His abundant Universe, His Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts, creates capacity and makes us more compassionate, grateful and loving.


checklist & ACTION PLAN

You’ll receive 10 steps you can take right now to make money flow into your business. 
Whenever you are looking for more money in your business, the opportunities already exist, in one form or another. It’s simply a question of focusing on that opportunity and doing what it takes to make it happen. This checklist will put you into immediate action.

Enroll in the Take Your First Trade Challenge Live & get my Make Millions Move Bundle ($498 value)

All you need to do is enroll in the  Stocks 101 Course with Teri to learn how to start investing, and you’ll receive the Make Millions Move Bundle AND a complimentary ticket to Move to Millions Live as a bonus!

I enjoyed Speaking at the Challenge

Because you are a valued member of my community, you already know that I believe that you can love God and make millions.

When it comes to making money move, there are so many ways in addition to scaling your business. One of my favorites is having a stock portfolio, so when my friend Teri asked me to speak during her Take Your First Trade Challenge, I was so excited for you. 

Now, you’ll have the principles AND be able to start expanding your financial footprint. To make money move, you have to invest and be investable – here’s a way for you to start investing right now!

And when you secure your seat in the challenge, I will share my BRAND NEW Make Millions Move training with you as a bonus!

(And get the bonus Make Millions Move Bundle and comp ticket to Move to Millions Live)
