The “Mess” In Between

I was recently invited to register for a live event and I did. The person who suggested the event to me was so excited and said “I just had to be there.” I admit, I have been thirsting for events that speak to where I am and going so the thought of this event being the answer has me so excited.

Unfortunately, the event was a massive let down.

The content was very entry level and the people, well let’s just say there was no requirement other than buying a ticket to make sure that the room would serve an advancing entrepreneur. And then it dawned on me…One thing I’ve come to realize is that there aren’t many places where mid-six and seven figure entrepreneurs can hold high-level, real conversations about what it truly takes to hit the next level.

Sure, there’s plenty of podcasts and business gurus who share about the practical side of making more money, like setting aside enough for taxes or hot marketing strategies.

But there are not many safe spaces where we can talk about the less tangible things like how moving to millions can create spiritual battles or the pressure that being the first six-figure earner (let alone seven) in your family can put on your personal life.

Or how you feel GUILTY about making the money that you do because it goes against everything family and/or church has taught you about being wealthy.

That’s why I created God Girls Making Millions, The Mastermind.

If you know you are ready for MORE, then get on the waitlist so you can be the first to hear about this life-transforming retreat happening this Fall.

My journey has taken me from the loneliness and shame of bankruptcy all the way to quarterly vacations with my hubs. But there has been so much more “stuff” in between that needs to be said.

I’m grateful to be starting that conversation at God Girls Making Millions this Nov 30 – December 2. Are you on the waitlist?

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