The Shake the Planet Principle

In this week’s episode of the Incredible Factor Business Podcast, I’m introducing you to yet another key foundational principle – The Shake the Planet Principle.  In a recent interview, I uttered the words “shake the planet” for the first time and life and business hasn’t been the same since.  In fact, now that I am committed to helping my clients grow businesses that shake the planet, it’s become increasingly important that I share exactly what it’s going to take to get there.

When I talk about shaking the planet, I’m talking about doing work that creates a ripple effect to leave the planet better than we found it.  As entrepreneurs and small business owners we have a responsibility to show up fully and powerfully in our work so that we are able to equip and empower someone else to do the same.

In the episode, I share my take on Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” and Marriane Williamson’s “Our Deepest Fear.”  My position on each may shift you.

Listen to this episode and you’ll learn:

  • The Shake the Planet Principle™
  • 3 immediately actionable steps you can take right now to start applying the principle to your business
  • The primary reason why your goal is to be a phenomenon and not a fad as you build your business in this crowded and noisy marketplace
  • How focusing on shaking the planet makes you an instant disrupter and will help you to rise above the noise
  • The power that occurs when you step fully into exploiting your Incredible Factor in service to others
  • And a few powerful personal stories that will inspire you


  • Simon Sinek, Start with Why
  • Marianne Williamson, Our Deepest Fear

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