How to Use Gratitude to Solidify Your Next Level

The first quarter of the year is history. And depending on the type of quarter you’ve had, you’re either ready for more just like it or you need a do over.

Either way, I’ve experienced 52 quarter ends as a business owner, and at the end of each quarter I do the exercise that I share in this video from 2011. (Yes, it is still relevant to helping me to continue to up-level my results in my business.)

Watch the video:

Whenever I want to go to the next level in my business, I take some time to reflect in gratitude about all that I have. Each time, without fail, this process produces an abundance of new ideas that help me to grow my business and here’s why: According to Ask and It Is Given, the highest feelings or beliefs include – love, appreciation, joy, trust and gratitude. When we are feeling any of these emotions, we are creating the life that we desire. In this state of gratitude, the universe rearranges everything on your behalf. EVERYTHING.

Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs spend significant amounts of time in the lowest feelings and beliefs – fear, unworthiness, despair. As you can tell, these feelings keep you stagnant, unmovable toward your goals or desires. While everyone feels fear at some point as they endeavor to grow their business, successful entrepreneurs know that they must quickly move from fear and the best way to do that….spend time in gratitude.

Your assignment:

1. Find a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed for at least an hour.

2. Get a journal or notebook.

3. Designate 5 pages, yes 5 pages, and write down everything that you can think of that you are grateful for. In order for this process to work, you must not stop until you have completed 5 full pages of gratitude. Because gratitude is a wellspring for abundance, you will open your mind up to ideas that have been hidden because you are ready to do what it will take to implement them for success in your life and business. You will notice the ease at which new ideas come and flow into your conscious.

4. After you’ve written your 5 pages, sit still and listen. Your spirit will reveal your next big idea.

5. Once you’ve captured your next big idea, be grateful by expressing your gratitude.

I recommend that you do this every time you want to quantum leap your business. 🙂

In order for this to work, you have to be focused ONLY on gratitude. If you need to play soft music, pray or meditate, do it. Clear your palate and focus. In case you need some help, use these sentence starters:

  • Today, I’m grateful for…
  • When I think of my overall business success this year, it makes me grateful that…
  • My clients are amazing, I am so grateful because…
  • While I have goals that I’d like to achieve, I’m grateful for…
  • When I think of my goals for next year, I’m grateful that…
  • Five cool things about my business include…
  • When I think about my life/relationships/health I am grateful because…
  • When I close my eyes and see my future success, I immediately feel grateful because…
  • The role models and mentors that I am grateful for include…
  • I’m grateful for the following friends for supporting me this year as I looked to grow my business…
  • 5 things I love about my clients include…

Keep mind the reason for the 5 pages is because the number five means GRACE. This year at my LAST EVER Unleash Your Incredible Factor Live event, I will be sharing with business owners and entrepreneurs how to grow their businesses by experiencing GRACE at every turn. To learn more, visit

©2016 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.

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