What to Call Yourself So That You Get New Clients

I remember when I was first starting my business and entering into the personal development space.  I remember being confused by all the titles and labels and what people were considering themselves – coach, mentor, strategist, consultant, motivator, etc.

See what I mean; I was very confused.  It’s enough to cause you major concern and to sidetrack you from the real reason you are entering the marketplace.

While most people are completely inappropriately caught up on their labels, I think that there are two instances when your label/title matters.

When you are buying clothes; and if you are trying to identify your Audience of One®.

I think the buying clothes and shoes instance is pretty self explanatory, so let me address the latter.

Your Audience of One® is my distinct way of identifying your ideal clients – one type of person with one distinct problem that you provide one robust solution to.  To get the attention of your Audience of One®, you speak to their labels.  

You see, while everyone subscribes to and feels affinity to labels (mom, entrepreneur, foodie, homebody, traveler, etc). Your labels ONLY matter if you are trying to group a bunch of people together with similar problems so that you can easily identify and attract their attention.  You see, the purpose of entering the marketplace is to attract clients and labels is one way to allow those you want to serve to immediately see you and begin to pay attention to what you are saying.  When you know your label (what you have an affinity to) you respond whenever anyone speaks of that label.

If you are trying to determine the role you will fill in the market, your title is much less important.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  If it makes you feel better, come up with a cute title for yourself.  But know that your title will be more important to you than it ever will to those you desire to serve.

Depending on who your ideal clients are, they may never realize that they need a coach, for instance.  But they will likely, if they are conscious of their problem, describe what they need to stop experiencing the problem they have right now.  And if you, the “coach” can provide a solution to their problem, ROCK on!!

And that’s where you have the potential to come in and solve it for them. This will make more sense when you watch this week’s episode.

Like I did when I got started and like many of you, Angela, is also struggling with what to call herself.  Check out her question to me:

Hi Darnyelle, I love Incredible Factor TV.  Your weekly episodes always hit the spot.  I am relatively new to entrepreneurship and I have been struggling with what to call myself – Should I call myself a coach, a mentor, a strategist – the bottom line is I help my clients discover their purpose and create a plan to live it fully in their lives – whether career, business, etc. I am so confused and I see so many people misusing the titles – HELP!

To see what advice I offer to Angela, check out this week’s Incredible Factor TV Episode

I think it’s far too easy to get caught up in your title when you really should be caught up in making sure that your marketing message articulates what you do and who you do it for and what they get when you do it.   There are too many people who still don’t know what a coach (or any other title) is and does and there are also too many people calling themselves a coach that don’t have a clue how to be a coach!  (I think I may have to do another episode on that!)

Bonus Tip: When you are networking, instead of sharing your lofty title that really says NOTHING…try this:

I help [insert ideal client description]
Do [what you help them do or the problem you solve]
So that [what they gain as a result of you solving their problem]

Try that the next time you’re networking and let me know how that improves your results.

What say you?  Now, I’d like to hear your two cents.  Use the comments below to answer the following questions and offer some advice to Angela and others who are struggling with their title. I know others would love to learn what you’ve learned in this area.

  • How have you struggled with what to call yourself?  
  • Are you calling yourself a coach but you’re really a mentor or strategist or consultant?  
  • Are you more focused on your title than how you help your clients?

©2013 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises.com, Incredible Factor University® the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step-by-step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage” just fill out the form below.

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