Who Needs You? – Darnyelle A. Jervey – Coach, Speaker, Author

It’s been a busy few weeks – I’ve doing a lot of training, coaching and consulting with entrepreneurs on marketing and mindset and there’s a common thread that has run through each interaction, workshop, talk or coaching session: When you don’t know who needs you, your gift, your product or service, it’s like fishing for a needle in a haystack. You’re like a ship without a sail going back and forth with no direction. You are trying to be all things to all people.


Many entrepreneurs really get nervous when you start talking about developing a niche market because they think that you are trying to stunt their growth before they even get started….

Quite the contrary, as they say – when you niche, you get paid for your gift!

Your gift is NOT for everyone – I don’t care what you think, trust me it’s not. There’s a distinct group of people (men, women, youth, etc) who will benefit from YOUR Incredible Factor. They are desparate for it. If they don’t get what you’ve got RIGHT NOW, life as they know it, is over!

So how do you find these people?
This week: spend some time in a quiet place seeking clarity:

1. Get clear on what your Incredible Factor{IF} (your gift, your product, your service)is AND who it is for AND how you want to use it to serve others.
3. Get clear on the pain, struggle, issue your IF eases and/or eliminates for your perfect client/customer.
4. Get clear on what your perfect client/customer wants and needs and how your IF is the perfect answer to their want/need.

No, I didn’t miss number – 2. Write all of your answers down.

That’s enough for this week.

PS – Need help finding your niche – no worries I’ve got a new program coming real soon. It will cover mindset, mission, marketing and movement to take you from passion to profit! Stay tuned….

Be Incredible,

Copyright (c) 2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved.

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