3 Simple Strategies for Creating Movement Based Marketing to Grow Your Business–Darnyelle A. Jervey

As we celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and honor the work he did for civil rights in the United States, I can’t help to pause and pay homage to the marketer that he was. Yes, I said marketer. I am fond of saying that we are not in the business we think that we are in; we are in the business of marketing our products and services. His product was civil rights and equality and he marketed that product with what I like to call “movement-based” marketing. He was able to inspire a group of people to take immediate, consistent action because he positioned himself as a problem solver. He aligned his message to his marketing and created a movement.

A leader is someone who has people following them. As a business owner, you are a leader if you are able to create a product or service that solves a major problem for others and then they will want to follow you to get the solution. While that last statement isn’t news to any business owner, the way in which you go about getting people to follow you should be more experiential if you want to work smarter and not harder to grow your business.

Answer this question for yourself: how would your business be different if you aligned your message to your marketing and created a movement…a group of dedicated clients who attend your events, buy your products, and enroll in your programs? Now this one: how would you be different if your business became a message…a defined strategy for moving people to a level of transformation using your products and services?

In the last four years, I have built my business by creating experiences with my clients, students and prospects. I’m clear that this strategy is the reason we are so successful. To help you begin to do the same with your business, I have three simple tips for you. Take the time to do the corresponding assignment so that you can be one step closer to creating your movement based marketing.

1. Clarify your message. You can’t create a movement without something worthwhile to say. So, think about your vision and mission of your company and take the time to answer the following questions:

    • What does your company do?
    • How does your company do it?
    • What happens when you do this over and over?
    • How are others changed when your company does what it does consistently?

2. Clarify who cares about your message. When you are clear about who wants to hear what you’ve got to say, you’re on your way to create a platform and from your platform you can begin to move the crowd into consistent action toward your ultimate goal for them.
Questions to answer:

    • Who do I know who is concerned about the problem I solve?
    • Where do they congregate?
    • How would they like to be told about the solution to their problem?

Knowing the exact person that your message is for is key to building a sustainable movement based business.

3. Create a plan for disseminating your message. Plan out when, where and how you will share your message with the audience that wants to hear it. This is your marketing strategy. Engage people who can help you get your message to people who you don’t know that are just like you so that you expand the reach of your message in record time. Do that now, what is the next step you must take to advance your business?

You are a leader. People want to follow leaders who care about transforming the lives and businesses of those who have major problems and have effective solutions to those problems. What are you waiting for?

©2012 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises.com and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio download “How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients” visit https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com

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