4 Keys to Writing Marketing Copy that Converts to Sales

copywritingIf you are an advancing entrepreneur in today’s marketplace, you definitely know the value of growing your business by leveraging both online and offline marketing strategies.

And regardless of whether you’re getting your message out online or offline, you have to know how to speak your ideal client’s language so that they will find and hire you, Well, yes. But it doesn’t start out that way.

The best way to get found in the marketplace is to learn how to write compelling marketing copy. Today, I help my clients develop their key messages document, which contains their marketing copy that they will use everywhere to convey who they are, the problem they solve and the results others get when working with them. When your marketing copy is well written you can use it on your website, speak about it when out networking or convert it into scripts when making telephone calls.

Unlike a lot of entrepreneurs, I have always enjoyed writing, and today, I still write my own marketing copy. Honestly, my love affair with words began when I was ten years old. My English teacher, Mrs. Dixon gave me a journal and invited me to write whenever I felt angry, sad, or confused. What started as a tool to control my anger, became my secret weapon as I learned the restorative power of words, and vowed to use words to change the lives of others. Little did I know at ten, that I was proclaiming myself a marketer. 🙂

By studying business and technical writing in college, I learned how to write marketing copy and that skill has been completely transferred from one job after another during my career. Today, I help my clients develop compelling messages that help them to rise above the noise in our crowded marketplace.

Three years ago in an early episode of Incredible Factor TV, I took a question about how to write marketing copy and the response I shared then is still what I use today to write copy. Check out that “best of” episode of Incredible Factor TV:

Like I shared in the episode, I like the AIDA Principle/Formula (no, I’m not talking about the Broadway Musical)….

Capture Attention. Make sure you have a compelling headline that tells them who you’re speaking to and what problem your content will address. Remember, people in pain are actively seeking a painkiller.

Gain Interest. Once you have a great headline and have their attention, be sure to share how you know what they’re going through by giving them a scenario that they are likely experiencing themselves. This will keep them interested so that they keep reading.

Create Desire. By tapping emotionally into their problem, you’ll create desire to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Remember, that emotion is what makes a person buy. Emotion created by you, or emotion created by their circumstance.

Induce Action. After you get their attention, keep them interested and have them on the edge of their seat wanting access to your solution, be sure to tell them how to take the required action to get the relief they crave. The best marketing copy is written conversationally, so be sure to get clear about who is the right fit for your solution before you start writing. And remember, marketing is just a conversation so talk to your prospects. You can then easily transition between the key components of your copy writing.

I use this formula and ensure that I focus on the problem (the Universal Law of Business governs most things I do).

Here’s the Universal Law of Business again: Get found by a group of people who have the problem that you solve that are ready right now to pay for a solution to it.

And remember that the most effective marketing:

  • Offers an Experience – take them on a ride, show them that you not only understand, but you care.
  • Shares some Education – when you teach them something pertaining to their area of struggle, you establish your expertise and make it easier for them to make the leap toward seeing you as the solution.
  • Focuses on a Problem – problem-based copy is much more effective then solution-based copy.
  • Elicits Emotion – again, connecting emotionally helps them consider the possibility of hiring you or investing in your solution.

If you follow this formula as you write your copy, you will increase your chances of inducing action and getting the people you come in contact with ready to become a prospect and the prospect to become a purchaser.

Now, I want to hear from you:

  • What do you do when it’s time to write copy?
  • Is there a specific formula that you use?
  • What has worked and what hasn’t worked in writing copy that converts?
  • How do you track your efforts?

Share your two cents here for others in the Incredible Factor community to benefit from your expertise.

I just LOVE it when entrepreneurs submit questions to me via www.AskDarnyelle.com! Do you have a question I can answer in an upcoming episode of Incredible Factor TV? Submit it now.

©2016 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.

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