5 Quick Steps to Tracking Results in Your Business – Darnyelle A. Jervey

What gets attended to gets done. I’ve been saying that since my time in corporate America, working on projects, analyzing data and ensuring that I achieved the goals I set to advance my career. When I decided to become a full-time entrepreneur, I adopted many things I learned while walking the halls of someone else’s company. One of the most important mantras I’ve adopted is: you must give your business the same respect you gave your job; period. I mean, seriously, just like you set goals and tracked them in JOB (just over broke) you must apply the same knowledge and procedures to growing a solid, consistently thriving business.

What I found when I started to track my results in my own business is that I not only achieved them but exceeded them because there was always a bar to raise to grow my success. Starting with my time in Mary Kay Cosmetics before venturing out to start my own “ground up” company. I would start each day, week and month with a projection of the results I desired. I tracked those results the next day, week and month of what I actually accomplished that led ultimately to achieving the goal.

As you start this week and prepare for a new month in your business, follow these 5 quick steps to guide you so your work is not in vain and you are actually attracting positive growth and results consistently in your business.

1. Set aside at least one hour at the end of the month (some time during the last week of the month,) to first review your results during the current month. What did you accomplish? How many new clients, widgets, etc did you add to your sales achievements? What did you do consistently that worked well? What could you change and ultimately alter your results?

2. In reviewing your current month’s results, project what you will achieve in the next month if you make the noted changes and focus on one particular area in which to grow your business.

3. Write it down. Don’t leave your results or goals in your head – write them down. When put in writing your chance of achieving them improves by over 50%. I recommend using a dry erase board so that they are big, easily identifiable and easily updated. Also use the “tick” mark system so that you can just add a quick tick every time you add another of whatever you desire to track. Here’s what I track: Get Acquainted Sessions Booked and Held (separate list for tick marks), New Clients, New Inner Circle Members, New VIP Days, New Live Event tickets Sold, New Passion to Profit Sales, New speaking engagements, new hot prospects.

4. Post them where you and EVERYONE who enters or exits your office can see them. When you create a visual, you help to ensure that you will pay attention to what is necessary to add more value (and influence the bottom line) of your business.

5. Review them and update as new results come in. I take the time each day as the new client, new appointment, new product sale, etc. happens in my business to update my tracking board. It lets me know that my work is ultimately achieving my goals and purpose and I get excited to go out and add another “tick” to the board.

Bonus – Celebrate – every new client, product sold, appointment or sales conversation booked deserves and must be celebrated. It is the little things that add up to the unassailable difference; so project what you desire to bring into your business, commit to doing the work, track your results daily and celebrate along the way to more growth in your business.

©2011 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises.com and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio download “How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients” visit https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com.

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