7 key questions to craft your ideal client profile– Darnyelle A. Jervey

When it comes to starting your business marketing efforts, it’s very important to realize two very important truths. Number one, marketing is the oxygen of your business. Truthfully, you are not in the business you think you are in; you are actually in the business of marketing – marketing your products and services, that is. And secondly, if you do not get clear on who you are marketing your products and services to, you will not benefit immensely in your business life.

I’ve watched it happen time and time again – a new small business owner gets started in business and is very excited. That excitement includes lots of confusion because they are distorted enough to believe that they are here to help/serve EVERYONE. You CANNOT help everyone, no matter how good you are. This is a very popular misconception amongst new entrepreneurs…they believe that if they target their marketing efforts by selecting a niche they will somehow be leaving tons of money on the table. The fact is, you increase your chances of earning in direct proportion to your gift by selecting a niche market. When you become clear about whom your product and service is PERFECT for, you begin to invite them into your experience and as a result of saying exactly what your target markets needs to hear to take action, you increase your chances at success in selling your products and services.

In my own business and being wet behind the ears, I tried the whole “I work with everyone” approach. A few not so perfect clients later, I realized that not only was my value and service NOT for everyone, but I reserved the right to choose who I want to serve in my business. I immediately hired a coach, that’s right, I hired a coach for one reason – it’s hard to see the picture when you are the frame. That was five years ago and now my business is thriving because I got out of my own way and invited someone in my field with more experience than I to help me develop the mindsets and marketing strategies to earn significant income.

As a business coach, I help my clients craft their ideal client profile by asking a series of thought-provoking questions. During this process, I force them to look at the areas that they probably would not have otherwise thought about when it comes to clarifying who they want to work with. Because my clients can’t see the big picture and often their mindsets hinder their ability to achieve business growth and success, when we complete this activity every time, they get BIG results….The result…every time is a concise encapsulation of their one ideal client. In doing so, they gain clarity on how to communicate to their ideal client and their ideal clients appear, ready to take action on their products and services. They begin to attract and turn potential clients into paying clients over and over again.

Because I want to see your small business thrive and I know that it will when you establish your ideal client profile, I will share a few of the most important questions you must ask yourself if you truly want to grow your small business with the right clients from the start.

• Is your ideal client a man or woman?
• Does your ideal client fit into any special groups, categories or professions?
• How much money does your ideal client make?
• How many times each year does your ideal client buy products and services like those you provide?
• How much money does your ideal client spend on products and services like those you provide each year?
• What is the pain point or struggle that your ideal clients have?
• How do you take away their pain? Show results not steps.

There are many more important questions to ask to craft your ideal client profile. These are just some of the very important ones. I offer my clients an entire worksheet and framework for identifying and crafting their ideal client profile. If, as you read the questions suggested that you answer and felt uncomfortable or anxious, perhaps a mindset shift is necessary. Working with a coach will help you to get out of your own way and open the flood gates to the success you started your business to enjoy.

Be Incredible,

To get step by step assistance in how to attract your ideal clients, register for my Ideal Client Bootcamp. For details visit https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com/ifbc

©2011 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of IncredibleOneEnterprises.com and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD “How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients” visit https://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com.

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