Director’s Cut: What Should an Entrepreneur Do When Enough is Enough?

chasing-dreamsIf it were easy, everyone would be doing it.

The fact is, building a business is not easy. It’s an alternative way to generate wealth and create a living. By deciding to work for yourself versus working for someone else, you have to do whatever it takes to figure out how to make it work.

But what happens when you can’t figure it out? Do you give up, throw in the towel and abandon your dream business? It’s the 5th week of September and it’s time to hear from our Creative Director Blake. Here’s his question:

“You have winners, losers and people who don’t know how to get to where they want to be in business. How do you decide when to chase your goal or dream and when to stop when it’s not working?”

Check out my response to Blake’s question here:

As I share in the episode, my answer is simple: You NEVER stop. Instead, you get help and make sure that you are solving a viable problem with your business idea.

When in doubt, make sure that the Universal Law of Business is showing up in your business idea:

“Get found by a group of people [Audience of One®] who have THE EXACT problem that you solve that are ready RIGHT NOW to pay for a solution to that problem.”

If your business idea/dream follows this law, you likely just need help figuring out the mechanics of building a business. Here are a few tips to help you get what you need when giving up is not an option:

1. Get a SCORE counselor or visit your local Women’s Business Center. One of the things I love about business ownership in the U.S. is that there are so many resources to help you – at no additional cost to you. As a taxpaying citizen, you have the benefit to get help from U.S. Small Business Administration agencies who have a desire to see small businesses flourish in the U.S. To find out more about these entities, visit

2. Consider hiring a business coach or consultant. If you are at your wit’s end and want access to accountability, support, mentorship and sound strategy, you may be ready to work directly with a business coach or consultant. Coaches and consultants are able to help you get clear about the holes in your business and offer insight and strategy to plug those holes quickly.

3. Go back to the basics and ensure you can effectively answer the who, what, when, where and why. These questions are fundamental. They will help you to avoid reaching the “enough is enough” breaking point. When in doubt, go back to basics.

a. Who do you help?
b. What do you help them with?
c. When do they seek you out for assistance?
d. Where can you find them?
e. Why are you the best fit to solve their problem?

Now I want to hear from you, what’s your two cents?: How do you help a person who has been chasing their goal for a long period of time but hasn’t yielded the response that they want? Do you tell them to give up their dream or do you offer some insight to help them to course correct?

©2015 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Business Optimization Coach and Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises®, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program so you experience financial and spiritual abundance in your life because of your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Must Avoid for Clients, Connection and Cash Flow!” just fill out the form below.

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