Do you see what I see?

Although this song makes me think quickly about the Christmas favorite, it also helps to bring home the point I want to empower you with on this Walk it Out Wednesday.

“Until you can see with clarity and in living color the fulfilment of your dream, it will not begin to manifest in your life.” Darnyelle A. Jervey

Vision is so important, it is so important in fact that the Bible in Proverbs says “without vision, the people will perish.” When empowering people I talk a lot about walking based on what you believe and not what you see…I know this sounds contradictory based on the thought of “vision”, but vision is an encapsulation of an intensely held belief transformed into a picture that tells the story of what one is expecting in their life. (Darnyelle’s definition)

As I begin each day, it is the vision (what I believe) that solidifies in my heart the work I must do the manifest my dreams.

So let me encourage you this Walk it Out Wednesday to begin to see the vision you have for your life. 20 days into a new year and a new decade, this is the time to transform your life and move from mediocre to magnificent. With a few strategic steps, you can begin to encounter unexplained favor in your life, like that I’ve encountered since I started my company in 2007.

When you look over the goals you set for yourself this year…do you see what I see?
When you look at yourself in the mirror…do you see what I see?
When you are daydreaming at work…do you see what I see?

Here’s what I see:
~Men and women who can do anything to which they put their mind.
~People using their favor and influence on behalf of YOUR vision.
~Words and actions of power that match the vision that you have for your life.
~People are ready to make significant change and experience a quantum leap in their life in business.
~People in full expectation that the vision in their heart will manifest with hard work, honesty and integrity.

If for some reason you do not see what I see, here’s a few tips that may help you:
1. Get clear – clarity for the vision that you have will only come when you get in touch with your spirit in a quiet place without distractions and begin to visualize what it is you really want for your life.
2. FOCUS – there are a lot of distractions and people (the peanut gallery) that wants to interject their thoughts into your vision. Put on blinders and look not to the left or right but FOCUS on YOUR vision.
3. Write it down – a vision in your head is not nearly as powerful as a vision on paper. We know that what gets attended to gets done….writing it down shows a commitment to the vision and that helps to solidify the non-negotiable decision to work everyday in honor of the fulfilment of the vision.

When you see what I see, you will see yourself achieving your goals and manifesting your vision. Let’s get eye to eye and connect.

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a speaker, coach, author and consultant who is committed not only to inspiring, but also to offering skills, strategies and solutions to define and unleash the Incredible in you. For more information, visit

Copyright (c) 2010 Darnyelle A. Jervey All Rights Reserved.

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