Does Your Incredible Factor Offer Options? – Darnyelle A. Jervey

When new to business, let’s admit it, many are wet behind the ears. Despite previously corporate success or advanced degrees, the thought of running a “from scratch” business is a new experience, which is often scary and filled with challenges. Of course, you know that you need clients. And also, it is your desire to present your Incredible Factor in the best possible way.

Your Incredible Factor is your “secret sauce” and signature business move that positions you as the ONLY solution to your ideal client’s problem. Many solo-professionals, upon starting their business provide only one option for prospective clients and prospects can take it or leave it.
Let’s be clear, most people will leave it and that will leave you feeling inadequate and unsure of you ability to effectively offer the results you know in your heart that you can offer. Because your goal is to move from passion to profit, you must shift the way you think of what you offer your clients.

Sound familiar? It probably does if your Incredible Factor doesn’t currently offer several options, at least three, for people to work with you.

I don’t want that for you. Today, I’m clear that you’ve got to offer options so that your clients can find a place to fit into to solve the problem that they have using your products, services and systems. So how do you present them in such a way that they invoke your prospects to take action and ultimate move you from passion to profit?

If you want to attract more prospects and turn them into clients who pay, you’ve got to give them a few different options – people LOVE options because they feel like they are in control of the buying decision. Think about it, you go to the supermarket to buy laundry detergent and you are not married to any particular brand, you see all your options and make the best choice based on a series of variables. Well, your prospects are no different; they want to be presented with options so that they can make the best choice for them. It’s your job to give them what they need to decide to buy from you.

When I began to offer a few different options, I began to sign up more and more clients for my programs and I know you can get excited at the thought of doing the same.

Here are my recommendations:

1. Offer different price points of service so that there is one for every budget. Take away value as you reduce the price. Think about having a super size, large and regular option. Build your super size option first with everything that you can offer and scale down from there. As the price reduces, so does the value and the offerings. This will allow you to feel comfortable with your pricing because you’ve got varying levels for them to get on board to work with you. Many will go for the super size option but others will select your regular option. And no matter which option they choose, it’s okay! And that, Incredible One, will improve your confidence and ultimately grow your business.

2. Provide some form of incentive or bonus if they choose your super size option. Offer something irresistible that makes the super size option more desirable and the ONLY option if they really want your Incredible Factor to solve their problem.

3. Give your options results-oriented names so that the prospect can get clear on what they can expect from each option.

4. Describe what’s included in each package and share the price at the end, telling them that they can pay in full OR make payments. You want to consider and work on the prices until you feel comfortable offering what you will offer at the price that you set. There’s no right or wrong price; it’s based on what you feel the value and services each option will provide are worth in the marketplace. Hint: The more private or one-on-one time you offer, the higher the price should be.

5. Study your options until you feel good and can say them without stuttering or flinching, especially when it comes to telling them the price and when you are ready, start offering your new and improved options to your prospects.

Trust me, following these simple steps will give your Incredible Factor options and increase your client count almost instantly.

©2011 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio download “How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients” visit

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