How Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Can FOCUS in the Face of Fear

It doesn’t matter who you are, at some point in time in the business building process, you’re going to experience it. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, how brilliant you are and how many clients you’ve closed into working with you.  You’re still going to struggle with this:

FEAR.  The truth is that at every level, you’ll experience a brand new devil – something else to lead you to believe that where you are now is the safe place.

Don’t buy into the lie.

That’s why no matter how many times I’ve answered this question, I wanted to share some insight with Will.  Here’s his question, which I’m answering in this week’s episode of Incredible Factor TV:

“Hi Darnyelle.  The enemy of success feels like fear of failure to me. How can I purge this limiting belief with certainty?”

As I share in this week’s episode: Fear will never go away.  It was created by your ego to make you feel safe and protect you.  I think this quote about fear sums it up pretty well:

“Fear is not of the present, but only of the past and future, which do not currently exist. There is no fear in the present when each instant stands clear and separated from the past, without its shadow reaching into the future…and the present extends forever.” ~Unknown

In order to nip this current bout with fear in the bud, you are going to have to reconcile with yourself that there is no failure, there is only feedback.  In my opinion, failure is death and since you don’t die every time you attempt something, you probably gain some insight that you can use the next time you’re up to bat so you don’t strike out, right?  Exactly.

The next time you find yourself like Will battling a bout of fear or another limiting belief, try these steps:

Step 1: Grab your journal or a piece of paper and write about the result that you would like to have in your life/career/business that you have a tremendous amount of fear around.

A. Write about the clear result you want
B. Write about the fear that stops you

Step 2: Look fear in the eye and ask yourself…. if I had to be bold and courageous to break through this fear, what would that look like? How would that feel for me?”

Step 3: How would you have to act in the circumstance that gives you the fear so that you would be bold and courageous?

At the end of the day, it all boils down to this: We have to learn to be bold and courageous in the face of fear and intimidation if we are going to get what we want. If  you were going to get what you want, what would being bold and courageous look like for you?

Now I want to hear from you, what’s your two cents?:   
How do you handle a visit from “fear of failure” or even “fear of success”?  What can you share with Will to help him shift?

©2014 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One, Incredible Factor University® and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System®, a proven step-by-step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage” just fill out the form below.

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