This episode is powered by the Breakthrough in Business Experience happening this May 21-24 in Wilmington, DE. If you’re tired of sitting in struggle and ready to strut in significance, visit www.BreakthroughInBusinessEvent.com to learn more.
When it comes to setting yourself up to experience a big breakthrough, there are five 5-letter words that you need in your vocabulary. These five, when lived consistently, make the period just before the breakthrough palatable. You see, as an entrepreneur or small business owner, your ability to hit your next level as quickly as possible counts on your understanding of how these five 5-letter words show up in your life.
Listen in to discover:
- The #1 thing to recognize when a breakthrough is on the horizon
- The 5-step process for maximizing the time before your breakthrough
- How to leverage your current condition as a springboard for your next level

“Your big breakthrough is about unearthing your purpose.” – Click to Tweet
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