How Do I Write Compelling Marketing Copy?

If you are an entrepreneur in today’s marketplace, you definitely know the value of growing your business online. I mean, you can make money while you sleep.

Well, yes. But it doesn’t start out that way. The only way to get to the sale online is with compelling marketing copy on your websites and sales pages.

I’ve always enjoyed writing. Part of the reason I studied English in college was because of the declaration I made when I was 10 – that I would use words to change lives when I grew up.

Now, at 10, that was my way of saying I wanted to be an author and write books. As I got into high school, I knew that knowing how to use words would be very marketable as I grew and entered the marketplace. But when I got to college, I realized that I needed to dig a little deeper because I also had a hankering for business so I met in the middle and studied English: Business & Technical Writing.

And, I learned how to write copy. Which brings me to this week’s question from Julia in Houston:

Hi Darnyelle! I love your videos. I am starting an online business and I am struggling with writing copy. Do you have a method that you recommend to make my copy compelling so that I can get results?

Check out this week’s episode to hear how I answered Julia’s question:


Like I share in this week’s episode, I like the AIDA Principle/Formula (no, I’m not talking about the Broadway Musical)….

Capture Attention.

Gain Interest.

Create Desire.

Induce Action.

I use this formula and ensure that I focus on the problem (the Universal Law of Business governs most things I do.)

Here’s the Universal Law of Business again: Find a group of people who have the problem that you solve that are ready right now to pay for a solution to it.

When you follow this formula as you write your copy you will increase your chances of inducing action and getting them ready to become a prospect and the prospect to become a purchaser.

And let me add this: And more than anything be yourself. Be yourself in your copy.  Laugh or tell a joke when you want.  Use your own style and quirkiness.  Follow the formula and do it your own way.  You don’t need to copy anyone else, you are more than enough and the people who are waiting on you, want to hear what you have to say about the problems they are experiencing. I will honestly tell you that when I finally found my own voice, my business was UNLEASHED!!!

Now, I want to hear from you:

  • What do you do when it’s time to write copy?
  • Is there a specific formula that you use?
  • What has worked and what hasn’t worked in writing copy that converts?
  • How do you track your efforts?

Share your two-cents here for others in the Incredible Factor community to benefit from your expertise.

Thanks Julia for submitting this question, can’t wait to see the conversation it generates!!!

Be Better. Be Stronger. Be Incredible.

I just LOVE it when entrepreneurs submit questions to me via! Do you have a question I can answer in an upcoming episode of Incredible Factor TV? Submit it now.

©2013 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, MBA, The Incredible Factor Speaker, Business Coach and Marketing Mentor, is the founder of Incredible One, Incredible Factor University® the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step-by-step program for more clients, more income and more leverage in your business. For more information and a FREE audio CD “7 Critical Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid When Unleashing Your Incredible Factor So You Attract More Clients, Make More Money and Gain More Leverage” just fill out the form below.


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